Another beautiful discolite, WOW !!!!

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Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Also the highest price I have seen ANY radio go for! :-/
I can only recall 1 JVC M90 that sold for $1,800 on ePay years ago.
I believes James from Canada just got $1800+ for his M90 not too long ago plus a Conion topped $1700 at beginning of year :-O :drool:


Member (SA)
Look what is saying for shipping to Bulgaria

Shipping: $1,765.44 UPS Worldwide Save

Its that a joke :hmmm: or just crazy :lol:


I Am Legend
bout 5 years ago -
a very decent M90 sold for 2000 on ebay -

its was from a local s2g member ( i saw the box ) -
to an aussie s2g member - nikamichi

that $1850 dynasty sure is gorgeous :drool: :-O :drool: :drool:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
That is the cleanest Disco on the planet! :yes:

Also the highest price I have seen ANY radio go for! :-/

there was a very mint 767 go for very close to or just over $3000 au a year or two ago on au ebay, this was when we were far from parity with the US $$.


Member (SA)
I had the chance of the discolite that sold on ebay, it looked really mint, but way pricey for me someone has more money than sense
think i'll just wrap christmas lights round my sharp gf777 for the effect, and play maddona hung up for now lol :-P

but i still want one


Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
with Christmas coming around the corner.....I vote you all chip in and buy this for me :yes: I've been very good this year :angelic:

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
I like that one too. I just want a blinkety one. Like I said in another post, y'all could pimp out one of these beater boxes and it would suit me just fine. Blinkety lights (to the beat of course) and maybe some fancy paint job like that one guy with the matching kicks. Yeah, that's what I want, a pimped out beater box. Flashy paint job, lights, oh and maybe some rhinestones ;-)
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