gsbadbmr said:
Here's the smallest of the 8 that i picked's actually very loud for it's size and fully functional. I only picked it up because i have never seen another one anywhere, i think it's a pretty rare box...My Rising 20/20 will be happy with this new friend
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Gordie, you continue to stun me with your "runs" to pick up boomboxes! It's a unique and obviously very productive way to build a collection. Unfortunately, I could do a run every day around here, and all I'd pick up would be bald tires, a stray bullet or two, and maybe a hooker (if I'm lucky). An in-person buy is really the only way to prevent the damage that comes (way too often for me) from having boomers shipped. And, like you said, it's a great way to make friends. I'm impressed!
By the way, your 20/20 has another long lost relative (in addition to your new junior Rising). I snagged this SRC-3535 on eBay (it actually arrived in one piece!) about this time a year ago. Rare Risings seem to appear during the holidays.