So, while on my trip I was searching for boxes....I hit many thrift and antique stores to no avail...BUT....
Before I left to go to Illinois I saw a new episode of American Pickers, the episode where they go to Sturgis. During this episode, the girl Dani that runs the store is talking to Frank and Mike on the phone in the shop, and behind her is a Boombox.
So, while on my visit, we crossed the Mississippi into Iowa and went over to see their store "Antique Archaeology" and sure enough that Blaster was still there for sale and it still is. They wanted $125 for it and I just didn't want to drop that much cash for it. It's a Sanyo, was all complete with it's battery door, but the antenna tip was busted off. Below are some pictures.
It would have been cool to have a radio that has been on the show, but it was kind of beat up and dirty and there was no power cord to test it and for that kind of money, I just had to pass. It's still there if someone wants it!
Yes, it was windy!
Before I left to go to Illinois I saw a new episode of American Pickers, the episode where they go to Sturgis. During this episode, the girl Dani that runs the store is talking to Frank and Mike on the phone in the shop, and behind her is a Boombox.
So, while on my visit, we crossed the Mississippi into Iowa and went over to see their store "Antique Archaeology" and sure enough that Blaster was still there for sale and it still is. They wanted $125 for it and I just didn't want to drop that much cash for it. It's a Sanyo, was all complete with it's battery door, but the antenna tip was busted off. Below are some pictures.
It would have been cool to have a radio that has been on the show, but it was kind of beat up and dirty and there was no power cord to test it and for that kind of money, I just had to pass. It's still there if someone wants it!
Yes, it was windy!