Am I the only one wishing 'Occupy' marches were like this..

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Member (SA)

Don't ask me how they did a PE video shoot in Brooklyn with thousands of people in the mid 80s and didn't get 1 vintage box int he video. I swear there isn't a one.



Boomus Fidelis
Old school Scott said:
Fight the power was released in 1989.
Everybody was on the walkman by then. ;-)

Cheers OSS :afro:
Actually big black cd bbx's were what was becoming more popular in 89" :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
The whole "occupy" thing seems dumb.....Do they even have any concrete demands, or is it just "I'm mad that these Wall Street bankers make more money than I do"


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Maybe they just needed member garylachance and his roaming boombox party. :-D


Member (SA)
I loved 'Yo MTV Raps'. I have both regular P.E. and the Metalized versions on my iPod. Our Police Sgts. always told us to stay away from the protests and not engage in any part. They did say we could enforce loitering in posted 'No Loitering' areas, Blocking the sidewalks from people wanting to pass freely, and jay walking or standing in the roadway or median,etc. Headaches :annoyed: Just as long as their not looting, burning cars or assaulting each other, ... More power to them. The right to assemble requires a permit in some cities :-/


Member (SA)
strange as i thought i posted in this thread - just come back to have a look and my post has gone ? did any one see some thing i wrote in this thread or am i going mad ? :hmmm: :-O
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