Aiwa Retro Boombox now on Amazon!


Member (SA)
Man it's been a long time since posting here.. like some of you, you have been waiting for Aiwa to release the CD/Cassette/Radio retro boombox.. well i just ordered it from Amazon.. $250.. will get it by Wednesday and will be posting a detailed video on YouTube.. including some inside shots.. here is the link to the radio on Amazon.. i'll post here when my video goes live.. GLAD TO BE BACK!


Boomus Fidelis
Cool, it's finally selling now! Here's the other thread about the AKAs:

Hope the CD mechanism doesn't rattle like the GPO Brooklyn's does


Member (SA)
TMR, we waiting for your review and video.

My little review is here:


Member (SA)
Wow Goodman some really good detective work! i have been waiting for the U.S. version of this for the last few years.. i did watch video's of it on YouTube but they are all in another language.. this is why i wanted to make a video for us English speaking folks.. I knew it was at CES 2025.. but few video's were made of it.. there were 2 that i could tell.. and no E.T.A. for when it was going to be released here.. (they said spring 2025).. but since it was shown in past CES's i assumed it would again be a no show in the U.S. just by chance yesterday i did another search and was surprised to see it listed on Amazon.. snagged it right away.. it does look more competent than other retro boombox revival attempts.. i will also look to see the differences between this one and ones you mentioned in your post.. plus i gotta do a teardown.. i want to see what components they are using along with the quality.. should get here Wednesday.. so expect a video soon after.. i'll link it here..


Member (SA)
here is one of the video's from CES 2025.. he didnt get full into it.. but it's the best video out there showing the different colors and even the model number if i remember.. looks like they have another boombox in the works too.. a cheaper version.. here's the link.. starts at the 22:00 minute mark.. huh weird.. i paste the link to the video and it shows video not available.. ok.. so to find it on YouTube just copy and paste..




Member (SA)
Reli, I think the Wikiboombox post has become detailed and you have included all known versions so far.
Thanks for the internal photos. If I find another different version, I will include it in the topic HERE in the forum.


Member (SA)
Video is compiling as i speak.. it will go live tomorrow.. i'm certainly not a professional videographer.. but i hope you enjoy it!


Member (SA)
video is live! hope you enjoy.. i am not professional YouTuber.. i do this for fun..


Member (SA)
I just watched your review and I think it's fair.
Your version AIWA have FM and AM tuner and VU meters depend from volume output.

My version - MUSE M-380 have only FM radio.
VU meteres work in stereo mode and show the signal level of source and do not depend on the volume control.
So maybe that is another difference between all versions.
They have the same technical specifications with a difference in the radio tuner, some also have a DAB tuner.


Boomus Fidelis
Nice video, thank you! Did you happen to measure the speakers? Just wondering if 5.25" woofers and 1.2" tweeters is correct.