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Reli said:
The thing about the Kaboom is.....there is no way you're getting the full effect on batteries. It's just like the Telefunken, you gotta use AC if you're all about that bass.
Yep! Bass needs power. Ever wondered why so many boomboxes don't? (boom) - economics! I remember when I put a new set of 10Ds in a C100F. Literally 10-15 minutes in, it was loosing power - yep, those 10 Ds were dying already!

Some boxes like the GF-9696 have 13 watts RMS per channel on AC and 11 on Ds - not a big difference in power but not a bassy box either!

James... :-)


Boomus Fidelis
Yep, whenever a service manual tells you the watts for both AC and DC, the watts on DC are at least 30-40% less, from what I've seen. Hell, my Telefunken HP-800 says it only puts out 6 watts on 8 D-cells, but 24 watts on AC. That's an extreme case..... I'm not even sure I believe it, lol.


Staff member
It's possible Reli. You need 4 times the power to realize approx 6db increase (double perceptible loudness).
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