A Long Day But I Am One Happy Guy!

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Member (SA)
View attachment 28220View attachment 28221View attachment 28222View attachment 28223View attachment 28224View attachment 28225View attachment 28226View attachment 28229View attachment 28228View attachment 28227View attachment 28226Shamelessly copied from S2Go, my last post there :'-( as a way of introducing myself to those I don't yet know here.............this is usually how I post :-)

Bought this Brandt RK-813S from France back in April mainly based on it's looks even though it was one piss poor picture on ebay
I knew the cassette deck was dead, but I wasn't fussed until it arrived..........
My heart sank as I unpacked as I recognised the cassette mechanism...........Sanyo M9998 & as it turned out far more complex due to the search system the 9998 lacks - Now this means several more circuit boards switches & cables & trust me, these are HARD to work on......yeah I have read on here that a member claimed he breezed through just a belt change on 1 of these!! In case you hadn't guessed, it's a gorgeous silver Sanyo M9996

It's been apart since arrival & I have had to put it aside many times due to getting stressed (remember my tolerance is very low due to the brain damage) & I was beginning to give up as I had to dismantle the innards deeper each time which worried me having done a 9998 many years ago & never forgot what a pig that one was!

Anyway, fast forward to this morning, I decided to have one last go at this beast - A proper set of belts had arrived from the U.S. so I was determined to try & fix it
The black goo was everywhere & fitting new belts is no picnic, a 2 man job.....my woman helped clean up & fit all 3 belts that run from the capstan flywheel & getting them all on is a trick in itself!!
Thank god I took pictures as it came apart - so many wiring looms & single wires that plug in on the boards! I had to remove the tuner wheel & park it out the way just in order to lift the tuner away to get to the motor mounts
As I said, this really was a labour of love, put aside for fear of damaging it in haste, we have all done that................
Using the pictures I made sure every single screw & wire went back & routed around as it was, taking my time & still thinking it won't work

When I plugged it in having completed reassembly I pressed play, the head block shot up & engaged, the take up spool was strong
What a mechanism (When it works) this is - servo assisted everything & it feels like luxury to operate it...........just so satisfying to put a tape in & see those gorgeous tiny LED's dance again

Now it seems the 9996 is pretty damn rare even Youtube only shows an aka of it in black (Yuk) This stereo could be my new favourite of the lot............Have you guys heard one of these??? They rock with nice highs & pumping bass & I mean bass!!
I am so happy to own this thing, it oozes quality & performance is stunning.......been a long time since a portable impressed me like this one does

Anyway, sorry to ramble on guys, here she is & there are a few pictures cos she deserves to be shown off - I love it!!
Overall condition now: Very Good almost mint!!




Member (SA)
Dear me, this is one box I'll avoid if it needs the sort of maintenance you carried out - waaaaaay too much grief involved and so complicated a box for the less-than-skilled. I must give you full credit for persevering with this very handsome looking box, it looks to be worth every effort and drop of sweat! I wouldn't hesitate to acquire one of these if the amount of work needed was far less than what you've carried out, I don't need that much hassle at my age. Well done! :yes: :bow: :rock: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
What a great looking box, I have never heard of this brand before, but its sweet. great job on all the blood sweat and tears that went into this one.


Member (SA)
It's a Brandt on the surface but in reality it's Sanyo M9996 & shares a lot in common with the M9998 - That should be warning enough to anyone if it is not working :-D

It's the sense of achievement with this one...........I thought it was never going to play again at a few points during the repair :bang: But to reassemble with a view to return to it another time then hitting play & see the mechanism spring to life was a eureka moment even for me & I have repaired stereo & video products all me life :-D

The quality is so high on playback & so it should be with such a complex mechanism, the amp & speakers don't look much when you look inside, but they knew how to design & build back then!! If you never heard one of these, prepare to be very impressed - This is one I am very proud to have fully restored & own...........Not for the faint hearted though - many expletives & curses during repairing something I never thought I could fix :w00t:


Boomus Fidelis
Love the looks and sound 😉. Excellent restoration job 👍👍👍👍😎

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Great Resto job and s u w e e t looking box ! Might I ask what the buttons on the speaker are for?


Member (SA)
duckman said:
Great Resto job and s u w e e t looking box ! Might I ask what the buttons on the speaker are for?
They are the same as on the Sanyo M9998 - Power & Battery check/dial lamp.....the dial lamp stays on in mains power mode :-)


Member (SA)
Wow is all I can say! Oh also very nice job there fella! My hat goes off to you and two thumbs up.👍👍


Member (SA)
Great job Nick, I know how much of a ball ache this is as well as i did mine. MIne had quite a few issues, had no power at all when i got it but its back to rude health now.

Great work mate. LOve the Brandt version in silver to, very nice.



Member (SA)
The Siemens is almost the same - but the search system looks to be different, it doesn't have the row of buttons with an LED above each one :cool: Am curious to know how they differ..............
Incidentally, I have no idea how to use the music search - it looks quite complex & I have been unable to find a user manual online either :drool: Am not paying £15 to a site I am very unsure of either!! :lol:

Lovely 9998 T-Ster!!


Requiem Æternam
great box i have the Sanyo
Bitch to work on
no comments about whats behind it
both are prity


Requiem Æternam
great box i have the Sanyo
Bitch to work on
no comments about whats behind it
both are prity


Member (SA)
Congratulations!! Very nice,I almost picked up a 9996 a few years ago.
I have a beautiful 9998 and I'm not ready to do belts,very hard,I may have an experienced member help me sometime.
Great to see you got yours going!😎


Member (SA)
Martin I think they are only 5 inch woofers but they seem to be the acoustic suspension type - they really pump bass & move in & out a long way :-) I guess that's why they sound so good!!


New Member
Really nice box and well done bringing the tape back to life .I have 2 Sanyo 9998's but haven't been inside to fix the decks yet. Putting it off till i have plenty of time to give them !! :yes:
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