A Boombox at Your funeral?

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Member (SA)
I attended a good friend' funeral a few days ago. Chris died unexpectedly after a recent surgery. Chris mentioned how much he liked one of My Boomboxes I brought over to his backyard party last summer. Anyway, I offered My M90 to play some of some of Chris' favorite music during his viewing at the funeral home. They wanted to play music to celebrate Chris' life with a slideshow. Ultimately, they chose to go with a laptop computer, playing music through it's anemic speakers, at the Funeral home Director's recommendation. It sounded horrible, and with so many people in attendance, it was hardly understandable. After a 3rd person's attempt to speak, and use their Cell phone to play a favorite song for Chris, I couldn't help but shake My head. Two of those people tried to sing along, holding their cell phones over their heads. I turned to My wife, and she knew what I was thinking. And just for good measure, I made it clear, I want My Boomboxes stacked as a wall beside My casket, and My best sounding box softly playing music through it during MY funeral. These boxes are part of My identity, and all My family and friends know this is who I am. Now, If I can only get GrandMaster Flash & the Furious 5 to perform, just like 'Ramon' in BeatStreet.


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Such a horrible way to share music, directly off your phone/ipod. They should be ashamed.

Sorry for your loss - I will blast your wall of boomers at your funeral before I load them in my car to take home ;-)


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Such a horrible way to share music, directly off your phone/ipod. They should be ashamed.

Sorry for your loss - I will blast your wall of boomers at your funeral before I load them in my car to take home ;-)
Hahaha... I could see You doing that.


Boomus Fidelis
i want to build a coffin for myself with subs/ amps/ speakers. least wherever i end up they'll hear me coming.


Member (SA)
I would say I want to be buried with at least one of my boxes, but after thinking about it, it really wouldn't matter because Gordie would still find it and add it to his collection anyways!😋😉😜

So I say when we croak we all just send our entire collections to him and be done with it!😠😠😠


Member (SA)
I was just thinking about this a few days ago.. The worst thing about being dead is you yourself can't set up the song and boombox properly.. and I'm sure whoever would be playing music on their phone would get a call during the middle of the song!


Member (SA)
howie1976 said:
I would say I want to be buried with at least one of my boxes, but after thinking about it, it really wouldn't matter because Gordie would still find it and add it to his collection anyways!

So I say when we croak we all just send our entire collections to him and be done with it!

My wife and son already have instructions on what to do when my number is pulled...At my funeral it will be 1 BIG boombox fiesta...i wouldn't want in any other way as these boxes are such a HUGE part of my life :clap: I originally wanted to have a custom made C-100 coffin...but since i wish to be cremated i figured it's best to just do a wall of C-100's around my coffin...i have more than enough to do just that :lol:

Sorry for your loss Adam.


Member (SA)
I want this song played first and as LOUD as possible.. If there is any track that could wake me up and get me outta the coffin, it'd be this one! :breakdance:

If that doesn't work, just send me on my way with this one.. :sad:


Member (SA)
Hey Adam, my condolences for the loss of your friend :'-( your good intentions were there, so that mean a lot.

blu_fuz said:
Such a horrible way to share music, directly off your phone/ipod. They should be ashamed.

Sorry for your loss - I will blast your wall of boomers at your funeral before I load them in my car to take home ;-)

Laughing my ass OFF :lol: Joe you are too much man :-D

howie1976 said:
I would say I want to be buried with at least one of my boxes, but after thinking about it, it really wouldn't matter because Gordie would still find it and add it to his collection anyways!

So I say when we croak we all just send our entire collections to him and be done with it!

Hahahaa! :lol: Why wait for Gordie to come all the way from Canada? When Im right here :lol: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
just out of curiosity I asked a friend of mine who is a professional woodworker he said he can make one out of wood.. 8"x3"x4" .. he said it's basically like making a jewelry box but make it look like a boombox ..


Member (SA)
Dr DER said:
just out of curiosity I asked a friend of mine who is a professional woodworker he said he can make one out of wood.. 8"x3"x4" .. he said it's basically like making a jewelry box but make it look like a boombox ..
I just had a thought! If I decide to be cremated, they can put My ashes into My Helix Wheely's rear tape storage compartment. :-D


Member (SA)
Screenshot_2015-03-14-23-11-56.png I could just have my family take out all the inside of this and put me in it its almost the size of a coffin...

Lasonic TRC-920

I attended a good friend' funeral a few days ago. Chris died unexpectedly after a recent surgery. Chris mentioned how much he liked one of My Boomboxes I brought over to his backyard party last summer. Anyway, I offered My M90 to play some of some of Chris' favorite music during his viewing at the funeral home. They wanted to play music to celebrate Chris' life with a slideshow. Ultimately, they chose to go with a laptop computer, playing music through it's anemic speakers, at the Funeral home Director's recommendation. It sounded horrible, and with so many people in attendance, it was hardly understandable. After a 3rd person's attempt to speak, and use their Cell phone to play a favorite song for Chris, I couldn't help but shake My head. Two of those people tried to sing along, holding their cell phones over their heads. I turned to My wife, and she knew what I was thinking. And just for good measure, I made it clear, I want My Boomboxes stacked as a wall beside My casket, and My best sounding box softly playing music through it during MY funeral. These boxes are part of My identity, and all My family and friends know this is who I am. Now, If I can only get GrandMaster Flash & the Furious 5 to perform, just like 'Ramon' in BeatStreet.
First and foremost, I'm sorry for your loss. I think it's time I sit down with my wife and explain to her which radio is going into the crematorium with me (will they burn plastic?)

The evolution of sharing music is at an all time low. They did a better job 200 years ago by simple having a person play a piano or guitar LIVE. Last weekend in Vegas I had to suffer over and over again with some jerk off trying to get me to hear their favorite song on a cell phone speaker! I think we need to introduce legislation that makes this a kill-able offence!

blu_fuz said:
Such a horrible way to share music, directly off your phone/ipod. They should be ashamed.

Sorry for your loss - I will blast your wall of boomers at your funeral before I load them in my car to take home ;-)
Like you Joe, I will miss Adam greatly and would never dump the burden of moving ALL those radio's from the funeral parlor on Adam's wife hands and since I have a MUCH bigger truck (and you already have TWO...yes friggen TWO Wheely's) I will help you do what is only fair and righteous.

Hahaha... I could see You doing that.
We are here for you friend :-) :-D

JVC Floyd said:
i want to build a coffin for myself with subs/ amps/ speakers. least wherever i end up they'll hear me coming.
Build 2! My wife doesn't have the technical ability and include solar panels! :-D

howie1976 said:
I would say I want to be buried with at least one of my boxes, but after thinking about it, it really wouldn't matter because Gordie would still find it and add it to his collection anyways!

So I say when we croak we all just send our entire collections to him and be done with it!
Gordie is a young healthy man, he will probably end up with all our radios! :lol: :yes:

Lasonic TRC-920

JustCruisin said:
I was just thinking about this a few days ago.. The worst thing about being dead is you yourself can't set up the song and boombox properly.. and I'm sure whoever would be playing music on their phone would get a call during the middle of the song!
So damn true, so damn lame! :thumbsdown:

gsbadbmr said:

My wife and son already have instructions on what to do when my number is pulled...At my funeral it will be 1 BIG boombox fiesta...i wouldn't want in any other way as these boxes are such a HUGE part of my life :clap: I originally wanted to have a custom made C-100 coffin...but since i wish to be cremated i figured it's best to just do a wall of C-100's around my coffin...i have more than enough to do just that :lol:

Sorry for your loss Adam.
I love you Gordie, but as soon as news breaks it's going to be a mad dash to your house for a full on pillage / gun fight! :annoyed: :-/ :yes: :lol:


Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
i want to build a coffin for myself with subs/ amps/ speakers. least wherever i end up they'll hear me coming.
Make it run off a 12v car battery or two so it lasts a long long time.


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
So damn true, so damn lame! :thumbsdown:

I love you Gordie, but as soon as news breaks it's going to be a mad dash to your house for a full on pillage / gun fight! :annoyed: :-/ :yes: :lol:
Chris. I'm coming too. You can take the minty ones, I'm fine with the scratch and dent aisle.

ThaFuzz, I'm sorry to hear about your friend, that's always tough. And to hear it was... maybe not disgraced but let down by the poor equipment, that's just sad as well. After reading this I'll be informing my wife that when I die, many years from now, that I would like a box in every corner.


Member (SA)
When it is my time I want to go out like that guy that was buried long time ago with his dream car a Corvette and get this while his was buried the car was jamming a song from Humperdinck "Release Me".

In my case it would have to be one of my favorite DJ session, some latin ballads, 80's pop etc.....


Member (SA)
SLO said:
Hey Adam, my condolences for the loss of your friend :'-( your good intentions were there, so that mean a lot.

Laughing my ass OFF :lol: Joe you are too much man :-D

Hahahaa! :lol: Why wait for Gordie to come all the way from Canada? When Im right here :lol: :thumbsup:
SLO, you're turming out to be quite the chip off the old Canadian block!
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