90's boxes

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baddboybill said:
Here is an oddball 90's :-O Oh yes it's from 1993 :thumbsup: plus I have actually owned it since then :-D

[ Image ]

That's one of only 2 of the 90's boxes I like - even if that one is a holdover from the late 80's. :-D

The other is the 3rd edition Lasonic TRC-931. :cool:


Member (SA)
90s boxes can be cool,especially the panny rx dt ones-the 12 pound dt707 you got dave was a real bargain-thts the one im still waiting to own :drool:


Member (SA)
I don't have a 707 although I would like one.

I do have the DT75 which is a cobra top and that really does sound good. Ive also got a DT610 3 piecer, I think this is 90's :-)


Member (SA)
As everyone has said the Cobra Tops really do sound great, though they have looks that are, ummm, an aquired taste! I have a couple of cobra tops and one of the Panasonix RX-ES models (i forget which) and they also sound good and go very loud with no distortion.

I only have them as I either find then for a pound or two at a bootsale or someone brings them to me!
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