3D printed replacement power switch for VZ2000 - it worked!


Member (SA)
May 5, 2020
My VZ2000 was missing its power switch. Both the external silver button and the entire lever. The inside power switch was there but it had a massive ugly hole on full view

I tried to 'Tinkercad' a replacement lever and switch assembly but couldn't get the angles quite right, so I have instead patched in a second switch in parallel, and created a styled button replacement. I've uploaded the STL's to thingiverse. Hopefully they'll show up /publish soon.

This is just an FYI if anyone else's VZ2000 is missing a power switch, the models might help. If the STL's dont publish, its easy to print and mount as the inside front face has some handy mounting points. I got a simple latching switch off Ebay, 220v capable but there's only 18v across it and very little current (as far as I could tell). I recessed that into the bottom face of the switch and it feels pretty good in use. Paint is Mr Color Super Duralumin model paint, and a clear coat to stop it rubbing off so quick.

I could have used a better connector, if I had one. But with the wires tucked away, it seems to work well.



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