Member (SA)
Hi-a far as cassettes are concerned,everyone shpuld have their tracks ready when they come up to compete.As far as rewinding & FF there will surely be a few others that can do this job!
After all most of us bring more than 1 boomer so all of your competition songs should be lined up before you step up to bat if you know what I mean.
I like the ideas,we have to have at leas 3 or 4 classes-small,intermediate,larger and massives and of course the 1 or 3 piece models.
All good suggestions.
Have a great one-GB.
After all most of us bring more than 1 boomer so all of your competition songs should be lined up before you step up to bat if you know what I mean.
I like the ideas,we have to have at leas 3 or 4 classes-small,intermediate,larger and massives and of course the 1 or 3 piece models.
All good suggestions.
Have a great one-GB.