2003 large 3 piece units- Where do they stand in performance?

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Member (SA)
Reli said:

HX-D77 (1).jpg

HX-D77 (2).jpg

HX-D77 (3).jpg
Wow, yeah even if this sounded like the best thing ever i could never own one, it looks like a regular **** stereo ram raided a toy factory and escaped with toy rocket parts.

THe Akai stereo though :drool: :drool: :drool:


Boomus Fidelis
They are ugly but they will shake the walls. The sound quality of these jvc's is fukin awesome.

Those tweeters look like the granade launchers on airwolf lol.


Boomus Fidelis
You would be surprised how well the speakers are made, nothing mind blowing but still reasonable.


Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
They are ugly but they will shake the walls. The sound quality of these jvc's is fukin awesome.Those tweeters look like the granade launchers on airwolf lol.
Naw, they were seriously lacking in subbass. It rolled off rather early in the bass range.


Boomus Fidelis
All these are lacking in sub bass, compared to the 2 15 inch kickers in my jeep lol. I mean you can only expect so much from a shelf system. When I listen to a boombox or shelf stereo they all sound like **** compared to having to your teeth flossed with some bad ass old skool kickers. Yeah I'm always let down when the sub bass rolls off on a tiny ass 6 1/2 inch sub lol.


Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
All these are lacking in sub bass, compared to the 2 15 inch kickers in my jeep lol. I mean you can only expect so much from a shelf system. When I listen to a boombox or shelf stereo they all sound like shiat compared to having to your teeth flossed with some bad ass old skool kickers. Yeah I'm always let down when the sub bass rolls off on a tiny ass 6 1/2 inch sub lol.
I replaced it with a kenwood mini system and by comparison, it dominated the jvc in sub bass so it's definitely not asking too much. Many aiwa mini systems could do this too. But this jvc was a disappointment in that regard.


Boomus Fidelis
I got both mine free one was still in the box even though I used the card board from the box to lay on while I work on vehicles lol.

I think you have to endure a lot of ugly and expense to own these jvcs I mean if they weren't free I sure as hell would not buy one .


Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
I got both mine free one was still in the box even though I used the card board from the box to lay on while I work on vehicles lol.

I think you have to endure a lot of ugly and expense to own these jvcs I mean if they weren't free I sure as hell would not buy one .
Hey Floyd,do like Ira did for the Cobra 707 make another box to go over it and make it look black!😊😎📻📻
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