1st Annual Northeast Meet

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Member (SA)
I believe it's high time that the Northeast collectors get their act in gear and hold a meet. I'm willing to host and I've got plenty of space to accomodate as many Brothers and their boxes as we can get. I live 25 miles south of Boston(5 miles from Gillette Stadium). I'm thinking about a September date but I'm very flexible to accomodate the schedule demands of others. It's all about the 4 B's: Brothers, Boomboxes, Beer and BBQ! So lets get it on!

P.s. All the New York/New Jersey Brothers are more than welcome too!



Member (SA)
I'm in. September's perfect, but I can do pretty much any time, being relatively local.
This is gonna be exciting. :w00t:


Member (SA)
superlew said:
I'm in. September's perfect, but I can do pretty much any time, being relatively local.
This is gonna be exciting. :w00t:
You see that folks, Aram has already pledged to bring all the food and alcohol! :lol: This meet can't miss!


Member (SA)
Styleking said:
You see that folks, Aram has already pledged to bring all the food and alcohol! :lol: This meet can't miss!
I may cook, too. I wonder if Summer School at Woburn Memorial will let me sit in on a Home-Ec. class or two. It's been a while since I turned on the stove.
As for the alcohol part, I'm very well versed. :yes:
:lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
GO...GO...GO!!! :clap:
C'mon Freddie! I know you and the Mrs. don't mind driving! I've got the room to accommodate you! Plus it'd be great to have a Boomboxery old G here! :yes:


Staff member
Styleking said:
C'mon Freddie! I know you and the Mrs. don't mind driving! I've got the room to accommodate you! Plus it'd be great to have a Boomboxery old G here! :yes:
I'd be all in... but football season dominates as I do play by play five nights out of the week. :-D


Member (SA)
I'm still in, but the "Boss" (g.f.) has given me an "assignment" in Rockport for the weekend of 9/6-9/7.
Other than that, I'm free and clear for the rest of September.
She has no idea how lucky she is that I'm so flexible.


Member (SA)
Yeah, Bump Bump! I know Superlew is in and Alberto may be able to make it. If there's anybody else in the Northeast who'd be interested send me a pm so we can try and firm up the date? :-)


Member (SA)
Well Guys, here it is - September - and we only have about a month and a half left of outdoor blasting in this climate.

I know Sundays are best for Jerry, who has graciously offered to host. I'm sure a lot of N.E. guys are building their schedule around the Pats, so here are a couple of dates to consider:
Sun., 9/28 (Pats are @ K.C. on Mon., 9/29)
Sun., 10/19 (Pats @ Home against NYJ on Thurs., 10/16)
We do have a Bye on Sun., 11/9, but we all know: Might be 70 degrees :cool: - It might snow :bang:.

Jerry is right off the highway, so it's super-easy to get there from anywhere in So. New England, and still not a bad ride at all from NH and ME.
Let's Get Motivated!!! :w00t:

Post #900. Yay!


Member (SA)
This is definitely going to happen! :yes: So if you're anywhere nearby you will want to be there! :rock: There will be great food, great drinks, great collectors and AMAZING boomers! So this will be the last call to help pick the date! C'mon Northeast collectors let's do this!
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