
  1. J

    Conion Facebook Page.

    Hello all, I have started a Conion /Clairtone / Helix Facebook page. Jerry S.
  2. superlew

    Is this guy a member?

    If I ever end up in Silver Spring, MD, I'm definitely gonna be looking out for this guy. What an excellent way to enjoy your morning coffee - And way to represent! :w00t: Not sure if anyone had posted this in the past...
  3. =ml=

    My First Conion

    Been :drool: :drool: :drool: over a C100-F for a while, and when I saw/heard Peter's at Chris' meet, I knew I had to have one. When that beautiful day comes around, the C100-F will be my second Conion. The MT-1 will always be my first Conion :smooch:: Before anyone calls dibs...