Smashing Sharp GF9000!

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Boomus Fidelis
OK so as if my M70 wasn't giving me enough aggravation (see M70 Good and Bad) I received in the post today a very cheap non-functioning Sharp GF9000 that had been in the boot of someones car when they had a minor bump from behind by some dopy pillock on their mobile phone.

After getting over the shock of how massive this thing is :w00t: I opened it up and had a look.

I think most people would have bought it as a parts box but the front is cosmetically really good, the case damage is just to the top and I reckon can be patched and resprayed without too much problem...I've also wanted a beater to work on as I've watched a lot of refurb posts and I really fancy having a go as it looks great fun :lol: ! The seller also told me afterwards that it was his kid brothers pride and joy but he'd sadly died and thats why they'd kept hold of it for so long even though it didn't work.

I've had a good look inside and all looks perfect, no damage anywhere (though obviously there could be damage I can't see!). He tells me it had all been serviced and working well not that long before the accident but of course that could be BS.

The big issue I can see is that the power supply had been damaged and some time ago the seller had sent it to be repaired but it was then dumped when it was found to be toast.

So do I repair it or scrap it :huh: ?...and if I repair does anyone have a replacement power supply (need the whole thing including the fitting where the figure of 8 lead fits into as its all gone awol!)...I'm in the UK so need one suitable for 240v :thumbsup:

This is the front before I started cleaning (I have the missing button from the top row all its missing is the little one at the bottom left that switches between internal and external speakers so thats no biggie)


This is the case damage


The pretty bit!

The insides

This is after its been stripped and bathed

So what do you reckon then guys?! :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
i have seen worst and i have see awesome work done to these boxes so i belive this one is no exception just keep posting those wonderful work in progress :yes: :yes: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
monchito said:
i have seen worst and i have see awesome work done to these boxes so i belive this one is no exception just keep posting those wonderful work in progress :yes: :yes: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thanks I'll get working on fixing the case and just hope someone comes up with the parts or a scrap box for sale :-D Otherwise it'll just be a very handsome doorstop! :nonono:


Member (SA)
Repair it , i have seen much worse too.
You will not regret it
I hope you can get a replacement power supply for it.


Boomus Fidelis
Eddy said:
Repair it , i have seen much worse too.
You will not regret it
I hope you can get a replacement power supply for it.
Just sourced a power supply!!!! repair it is!


Boomus Fidelis
ledmeter said:
Want the missing slider? I have a project 9000 with two missing :-D so if you want it it's yours :yes:
Awesome! :-D sent!...I love this forum and it's fabulous members!!!! :-D

Been working on the casing this week and it's looking good so far! to follow shortly!! :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
OK so I've been working on this after work most of this week and then Saturday and have made some progress with the casing. Its my first attempt as such a refurb and I'm really pleased with how its going so far. :thumbsup:

So I patched the hole with some spare perspex I had, looks a bit weird as it was clear stuff (I'd got it to fabricate a new cassette door for my M70). It was a bit awkward as it was to the side of the handle and included a corner. So here it is patched.

Applied two layers of car bodywork filler.

Did a bit of sanding.

Masked up and painted with 2 coats of primer, 3 of silver, and 3 of lacquer.

And this is what the corner with the hole looks like now! :-D


And the other corner that had a massive crack in it.

Heres the front casing repaired and with resprayed grills :-D Next step is to repair the screw posts as 8 out of 10 were bust, 2 I was able to reglue but 6 will need re-making. Hope you guys like it so far, it ain't perfect but I'm pretty pleased with it!!!!! :-D


Boomus Fidelis
Super job! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

GF9000 is the such a beautiful looking box. The meter is the best one ever made! :yes: :yes:

She will win any beauty contest! :-D :-D

One of the most beautiful boxes ever made! :agree: :agree:

Keep up the good work and the pleasure you get out of it is awesome!


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks! :thumbsup: The 9000 is indeed a stunner and I love those vu meters, I reckon they're the best looking meters going :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
Just had a piece of luck on this...the aerial looked like it had been used to clear a blocked drain (bent to hell and absolutely minging) but found that a Sharp QT250 that I got for a quid has exactly the same aerial! now it has an immaculate straight as an arrow aerial...nice! :-D
Another one saved from the scrap heap! :thumbsup:
With guys like you, these classic boomboxes will be with the human race for ever!

Congrats on a great effort,
Can't wait for the completed photos with maybe a video showing those VU meters dancing!! :yes:

James... :-)
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