Florida Sunshine mix meet 2009 pictures

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Member (SA)
Johnny said:
See this is why you need me at the meet! I love cooking! I always make the food for get togethers!

Steak Kabobs - always a hit and just MEAT!!
Alfredo sauce and Bread sticks - appetizer!
Hot wings! - perfect to eat on the run to another box!

I love making food for a large group, they are always grateful and pleased!

We have to plan ahead for 2010! If I come I will have to drive from the mid-west!

My wife just saud she is the chef of the boombox meet, no one else cooks, she said you guys can bring deserts if you wish, also for you Ira, Linda said she will make lasagna next year, hear that uncle Ed?


Member (SA)
So bloody awesome, I hope to one day be part of these marvellous festivities.

Simply the best time I could imagine having.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Thanks for posting the Pics. of the 2009 Sunshine Meet Tony. I had a great time and just looking at them makes me want to go again! :yes:

Did someone say desert, well if my mom is OK I'll bring some Flan for the next meet!!!! :w00t:


Member (SA)
Just AWESOME Guys!!!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I love the lined up TELE's

WINNER goes to the that mini record player - SHARP i think
that got me
:yes: :yes: :yes:


Member (SA)
And frank's pic too, your welcome, figured it would be good to show everyone who hasn't come to a meet yet what they are missing. next meet we want EVERYONE to show up!!


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Staff member
Eddy said:
ahardb0dy said:
And frank's pic too, your welcome, figured it would be good to show everyone who hasn't come to a meet yet what they are missing. next meet we want EVERYONE to show up!!
Even the members of another continent ??????????? ;-)
ESPECIALLY the members of another continent!!! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Hmmm, I'll have to chat with my American (USAF) neighbour and see if I can grab a flight over in the cargo hold of a C5 Galaxy, that's the cheapest way :lol:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
no matter how great both meets were --
we ran way out of time -- both times --

like to be fair to a box :-)
and to the guys who prepared , packed and traveled with them --

it seems like each of the 100 boxes DESERVED at least 6 minutes -
to really HEAR IT -- work the controls , etc --

so thats 600 minutes = 10 solid hours

with all the fun, food and more talking about food and fun !!! :w00t:
we may have listened to boxes for less than 2 hours ---

so .................................
anybody have a better plan ??
so we can all hear ALL the boxes :hmmm:

For next year, here is what I think we should do:

1) Each member brings a deck of cards. From your deck, you will extract a set of Joker-10 and have them on hand ready to cast votes with (like on Dancing with the Stars). Joker = a 1, as in "you've got to be joking." 10 is the highest.

2) Set up a display in the room where the food was such that any box that any of us want to listen to gets put in a que... with a power plug, and a component CD player or tape deck handy to provide source material via line-in. No laptops, iPod, MD or walkmans. The source for line-in should ideally be a good quality ANALOG tape deck (IMHO). The reason I think we should use tapes is because we can control the signal and duplicate it. I volunteer to make a set of three or four identical high-quality tapes specifically for this purpose, and will use a mix of songs from the 80's that span funk, soul, early hip-hop, rock and pop. We can all agree on a tracklist prior to the meet. Radio stations sometimes mess with the mixing and you can't duplicate song to song, etc... We should make this as much of an apples to apples test that we can.

3) Each box gets assigned into one of seven categories, which should be:
A) mini one piece
B) mid-size one piece
C) large one piece
D) mini three piece
E) mid-size three piece
F) large three piece
G) Modified boxes (any mods on the box, you end up here)

4) Each category then gets played for 3-5 minutes using either the units own tape deck or the line-in. There should be no less than 8 or 10 members on hand during the playing of each box.

5) At the end of each box's demo, each member holds up a card with the value of how they think the box should be rated in that category. The low and high value are removed and the rest of the values go into the boxes' score.

6) After a category is complete, the two or three highest scoring boxes are then isolated and played again back-to-back for final evaluation to determine category winner.

7) At the very end, the winner of the two "large" stock categories go to a final battle to determine which box is the MASTER BLASTER fo the bunch. I don't think modified boxes (non original speakers, amp upgrades, custom boxes and such) should be included in the master blaster competition. Instead, the best modified box gets its own trophy as MASTER MOD BOX.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Jaetee, it sounds kind of complicated when you read it, but I'm sure it would go much more smoothly in execution. When Freddie was up this past Sunday, we sort of talked about that kind of idea. He suggested a class betwixt the mini and mid categories - something like a bantam weight, if you will. The example he used was the Panasonic RX-C45; it's not a mini, but it's not quite a mid-sized box.

I definitely believe that we need to start the meet at 0800 hours. Starting at 1000 or 1100 is way too late when you have over a hundred boxes to ogle, caress, and listen to. Attendees should also really plan on staying until, at least, 2100 hours, which might necessitate a hotel room for a Sunday departure.


Member (SA)
what are we judging for? Loudness, sound quality? both?, I know everyone wants to know which box is loudest but the meet is also about seeing and hearing boxes that members may have never heard before (or seen), running tests on the tape decks even if the tapes are the same are going to produce different results as some decks may not be running at the exact speed they are supposed to be at. Line in would work fine if the boxes all had line in, I'm sure there are a few that don't. I know you said you prefer tapes but wouldn't the sound quality be better if we used a CD even like a mixed CD and than feed the output of the CD player to multiple boxes at the same time? I'm sure there is a way to split the output from a CD player multiple times without losing quality.
I agree that there should be different categories for the boxes, as for running out of time, next meet will start earlier, as I said already I just need help setting up and if we do start earlier help has to be earlier also, but if anyone stays here with us like Freddie and his wife did this year than I already have some help, it doesn't take long to set up the room and this year we weren't ready as Freddie and I had to run to the store while members were already showing up. Next meet we will have everything ready ahead of time, I like being the host but would like to have more time to spend with all of our guests. Also if we start earlier everyone should try to show up earlier, members coming in the afternoon for whatever reason than saying there wasn't enough time
is not a problem of the meet start time. How about a 2 day meet? (My wife Linda has no problem with any of our out of town members staying over if necessary), One day to test the other for everything else?
What do you think?


Member (SA)
I just started a separate thread with this topic so that it might get more exposure.

CD vs. tape and sound quality is debatable... I have tape gear here that make very well make you reconsider that quality statement/question. Nonetheless, for this purpose, I wouldn't have a problem using CDs.

I just think that since 90% of the classic boomers didn't have CD players, it would be cool for nostalgic reasons to use a high quality tape.

To reliably split one signal evenly to multiple sources we would need a "distribution amplifier." These can be found quite reasonably on ebay sometimes, and there is plenty of time, I may pick one up. I'll discuss this further in the other thread...


Member (SA)
JT, I cut part of your reply and replied in the other thread, let's keep the discussion on the next meet in your other thread to avoid confusion, thanks


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Staff member
Here's the list of the boomboxes that were present at the 2009 Sunshine Mix:

Aimor ST-808FS2
Aiwa CA-70
Aiwa CS-210H
Aiwa CS-600
Aiwa CS-770
Aiwa CS-880
Aiwa CSD-707U
Aiwa TPR-920
Aiwa TPR-950H
Bose Acoustic Wave Sytem
Conion C-100F
Crown CSC-850 (Black Edition)
Fisher HP7
General Electric 3-5259A (Blockbuster)
Helix HX-4630
Hitachi TRK-3D8W
Hitachi TRK-6700H
Hitachi TRK-8180E
Magnavox D1670
Marantz PMS-3500
National RX-7700
National RX-C100F
National RX-C300
Panasonic RX-5280
Panasonic RX-5350
Panasonic RX-5500
Panasonic RX-6400
Panasonic RX-C20
Panasonic RX-C300 (2)
Panasonic RX-C50
Panasonic RX-C52
Panasonic RX-CW30
Panasonic RX-DT680
Panasonic RX-DT707
Panasonic RX-ED90PP-K
Panasonic RX-F9
Pioneer CK-5 (Reverb)
Pioneer CK-5 (Twin Cassettes)
Pioneer CK-7
Pioneer CK-7
Pioneer SK-550
Pioneer SK-757L
Pioneer SK-900
Pioneer SK-95
Quasar GX-3621
Rising SRC-2015 (2)
Sansui Audio Note A4
Sansui CP-R7
Sansui CP-S99
Sansui FX-700R (Black)
Sansui FX-700R (Red)
Sanyo C9
Sanyo M7500
Sanyo M7900K
Sanyo M9800
Sanyo M9990
Sanyo M9998K
Sanyo MCD550K
Sanyo MCD-65K
Sanyo M-X720K
Sanyo M-X820K
Sanyo M-X820K (Woodgrain)
Seiko WKC-200
Sharp FXG-702A
Sharp GF-4700
Sharp GF-555Z
Sharp GF-666Z
Sharp GF-767
Sharp GF-777Z
Sharp GF-8
Sharp GF-8686
Sharp GF-8989II
Sharp GF-9191H
Sharp GF-9292X
Sharp GF-9494X
Sharp GF-9696C
Sharp GX-300H
Sharp Optonica JC-270(BK)
Sharp QT-5(L)
Sharp WF-939Z
Sharp WQ-T282
Sharp WQ-T484C (BK)
Siemens Planar 412
Sony 8FS
Sony CFD-G500
Sony CFS-219
Sony CFS-45
Sony CFS-65S
Sony CFS-7
Sony CFS-D7
Sony CFS-FM7
Sony CFS-W501
Sony DS-Z1
Sony MZ-1
Sony WM-5
Telefunken HP-800 (2)
Telefunken Studio 1 (2)
Telefunken Studio 1M (2)
Toshiba RT-8065
Toshiba RT-8097
Toshiba System 1
Toshiba WX-1
Vector Research VMC-100
Vinix VPC 6704
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