"Desperate Dad's" Conion C-100F Restoration


Member (SA)
Nov 5, 2019
Caution thank you for the links for the belts. Appreciate it! You guys and this 3D printing have me amazed. A new foot? Now that would be awesome!

The box arrived today with no damage. I am pleased to say it was packaged very well. Now for my first impressions...

Aside from the chipped foot area and a small superficial scuff on the tuner lens face I am quite pleased. No damage to the rear cover and aside from being dirty the color is great. Once I removed it from the shipping box I realized that the seller did not include a power cord. In the search for a power cord through thousands of packaging peanuts I found a long screw in the bottom of the box. I decided to remove the rear cover straight away and see what we had. One rear screw was "missing" and it turns out it was the one I had found so disaster averted. :)

Once I got the rear cover detached I noticed that the wire for the antenna to the board had been unplugged and was looped around the power button assembly. It became apparent pretty quickly that this box may have served as a home for a family of mice. That or it was down wind of one for sure. The inside has remnants of nesting, seeds and you know what. I surmised that the seller had likely removed the rear case to remove the majority of the nesting material etc and forgot to plug the antenna plug back in. Do I know for sure? No but seems to make sense. The circuit boards and the back of Tape 1 mechanism are covered in milky white stains. From the mice? Perhaps. As for how they gained entry? That remains a mystery. :huh:

I gather someone has been in it before. The different color caps and markings on the metal support are what brings me to that assumption. Hopefully the internals are correct and 100% accurate. Perhaps someone more experienced with a trained eye can chime in and let me know.

Tape 1 cassette door will not open. It's not 100% closed either. Not sure what caused this but will have to learn when we get into it. The tape storage drawer is long gone but the side mounts are intact and undamaged. I didn't see the spring that goes with it.

I decided to power it up after i inspected closely for any chewed up wires or signs of anything burning. There were no signs of battery leakage either. I borrowed the power cord from our apple TV receiver. I couldn't believe it! This thing has so much power that I was in shock. It picked up FM channels nicely and the green stereo light and meters worked great. The LED bar on the right seems more responsive than the one on the left so hopefully that can be addressed. On top of that the burglar alarm works and there was no static. Volume response is just incredible as is the bass and treble. Loudness switch works as well. I don't have a cassette to test Tape 2 so that will have to come later. One thing I noticed is that one of the tape deck motors is running non stop. I'm guessing it's coming from Tape 1. Maybe the mech is stuck or it thinks there's a tape present? I Just don't know at this point. Still, with some TLC and some much needed attention I think we have a winner. Let me know your thoughts! Here's what I found...








I'll add a few more pics tonight. :)


Staff member
Jun 3, 2009
Very cool project that you are taking on. These C100's aren't awful but you really need to focus and label all your wires and screw locations.

Good luck, I've been there!

~ fellow c100 owner ;-)

JVC Floyd

Inactive (Delete)
May 6, 2009
Maryland USA.
The LEDs are always biased to one side on these boxes , I think its because the vu meters always show the stereo separation.


Member (SA)
Nov 5, 2019
blu_fuz said:
Very cool project that you are taking on. These C100's aren't awful but you really need to focus and label all your wires and screw locations.

Good luck, I've been there!

~ fellow c100 owner ;-)
Thanks blu-fuz! Duly noted! :)

JVC Floyd said:
The LEDs are always biased to one side on these boxes , I think its because the vu meters always show the stereo separation.
Ahh Ok. Thanks for the tip!

More pics as promised...








JVC Floyd

Inactive (Delete)
May 6, 2009
Maryland USA.
If that motor is running all the time that means the belts are slipping and the mech is bound up meaning its stuck in play mode with no belt tension to control the function of the head up / down movement.


Member (SA)
Nov 5, 2019
JVC Floyd said:
If that motor is running all the time that means the belts are slipping and the mech is bound up meaning its stuck in play mode with no belt tension to control the function of the head up / down movement.
Thanks JVC Floyd! Sounds like an issue that can be addressed when we go through the mech. A thorough cleaning, re-greasing and new belts should straighten that out I assume. Is the belt tension adjustable?


Member (SA)
Jun 26, 2010
United Kingdom
Remember, you can always try and move the flywheel by hand with power off to reset the deck, this might work even if the belts are gone and good reference point to start with.


Member (SA)
Mar 25, 2014
This video does a good job showing both decks apart and what kind of stuff you're up against.


Member (SA)
Nov 5, 2019
docs said:
Remember, you can always try and move the flywheel by hand with power off to reset the deck, this might work even if the belts are gone and good reference point to start with.
Thanks Docs. Is the Flywheel is the large metal wheel?

JVC Floyd said:
You can free spin this deck and the heads should drop because the cog that controls it is on the main flywheel.
Thanks JVC Floyd. Just gotta figure out the lingo and I'll give it a try. I'm not sure which wheel your referring to...

caution said:
This video does a good job showing both decks apart and what kind of stuff you're up against.
Thanks Eric! A greatly detailed video. I'll watch several times before we get started to get familiar with things. Appreciate the link. :)

Are these boxes supposed to be base monsters? It was decent during testing but not overly powerful in that regard. I kind of got the impression that it has tons of power that's sort of bottle necked if that makes sense. Couldn't go higher than 10 on the volume or so as it was incredibly loud. Still, I was only able to test it with the radio which has always lacked in sound quality in my experience. At least when compared to a tape or high quality aux signal that is.


Member (SA)
No, one direction only. If it feels like something is gonna break, or you hear clicking then it’s the wrong way. Slight resistance is normal because you are driving another gear but once the mechanism is reset, you’ll know because the resistance suddenly drops off over the hump & it’ll seem like freewheeling by comparison. Hard to explain but it’s clear once you’ve experienced it.


Member (SA)
Dec 24, 2010
Bloodhound said:
I also noticed the white spots on the tuning lens. I'm going to assume someone used glass cleaner or some other chemical that caused it. Hopefully I can sand and buff it out.

What do you recommend using to blacken the speakers? A sharpie? Some black printer ink perhaps or is there a tried and tested method?
Don't use sandpaper on the tuner glass. Use Novus #3 for deep scratches, or Novus #2 for fine scratches. As for darkening the speakers, I would recommend DupliColor Vinyl & Fabric Coating, flat black HVP106


Member (SA)
Nov 5, 2019
Thanks for the advice Gents! Most appreciated. This is going to be quite an adventure. Has anyone had any experience stripping paint from the case? I'm used to automotive products mostly so I don't want to use the wrong method or product.


Member (SA)
Nov 5, 2019
Well, I decided to give my son the Boombox for his Birthday today. He went out of his ever loving mind! :w00t: Talk about jaw hitting the floor! I have never seen that kind of reaction from him and I must tell you it was a proud Dad moment for sure. He actually gave me a hug which is a tough thing for teens to do these days! LOL. I bought him a logitech bluetooth unit that plugs directly into the RCA input jacks and he's been enjoying it with us now for about 2 hours. The more it's used the better it sounds it seems. Unfortunately 2 or 3 small cracks have suddenly appeared that we'll need to address but oh well. Must have been stressed in shipping so I guess that comes with the territory. Still, he's stoked and so am I. He asked me when we can get started restoring it and I told him we'll start on Thanksgiving while mom cooks! LOL. The new antenna's have arrived along with a special delivery from Caution as well! One more expected tomorrow so we're well on our way! Gotta enjoy this time with him while I can. He's preparing a spot for it in his room now and I've explained to him that this could only be possible with the help of some folks here on the forum! He has expressed his gratitude and will no doubt chime in here once we get under way. Thank you again to all for your help and suggestions! This is gonna be a blast! :rock:


Member (SA)
Jul 14, 2014
Great end to things, so nice he loved it, now you get to do the restto together. That's quality time.


Member (SA)
Jun 26, 2010
United Kingdom
Yeh great story, the young lad clearly has exceptional taste and is a throwback to when times were better. Congratulations.