Akai AJ-500FS

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Member (SA)
Anyone have any opinions on, or personal knowledge of this interesting looking Akai?



Member (SA)
it is indeed very cool

the different scheme makes it appealing.

and the design itself is very nice,

the colors too are very pretty,

and i like the dial marker, nice.

nice green to red VU,

very unique and strong looking

not like a lasonic for example

. i must edit because i cant diss the lasonics.



Member (SA)
Seems to be quite rare... and I wonder how it sounds compared to similar sized boxes.... Looks to be in the size range somewhere between that JVC M70 & Panasonic RX-5150 range.

Akai made some really good tapedecks, so it stands to reason this might be a really decent unit.

I don't think I've ever heard this model mentioned here or at S2G... either because its not worth mentioning or because it's really, really rare (which I think is more likely).

I hope one of our Aussie members scored it...


Member (SA)
Hi JT,

here`s some info `bout it:


it came on the market 1980.

a "fl" and a "fs" version

(with longwave or shortwave)


Member (SA)
I didn't bid on it, but I did see it. The reason I didn't go for was because the week before I picked up an AJ-530.
I wasn't sure how they compared, looks like mine's shorter. Mine does have a lovely digital number AMS display (not on in the pic unfortunately), not sure if that's on the 500, maybe the 530 came out a couple of years later. Mine does sound very nice and clean, very balanced and tight. Not massive bass, but enough to keep things interesting.

Will get both eventually, for sure. They seem to be quite common down here.

Here's a couple of photos:


Rock On.
Gluecifer said:
I didn't bid on it, but I did see it. The reason I didn't go for was because the week before I picked up an AJ-530.
I wasn't sure how they compared, looks like mine's shorter. Mine does have a lovely digital number AMS display (not on in the pic unfortunately), not sure if that's on the 500, maybe the 530 came out a couple of years later. Mine does sound very nice and clean, very balanced and tight. Not massive bass, but enough to keep things interesting.

Will get both eventually, for sure. They seem to be quite common down here.

Here's a couple of photos:


Rock On.
oh man lookin good rick :'-(


Member (SA)
i must agree with the guys, GC, great

stuff you got there man.

specially love the rising .

love it.

also dig the trk 8600. lovely.




Member (SA)
Like Glue, i seen it too but i didnt bid. They do seem fairly common here in OZ and im hoping
to find mine in the wild eventually, thats part of the fun !!


Glue, Awesome photo of just some of your great collection there !!
Lookin real good :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
hi,guys!!! i'm new in town. :-) i like the brand akai too. if anyone have a boombox akai aj 530 in good condition for sale ,let me now. thanks! i have two akai aj 500 fl ,one of this two is for change.



Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
I didn't bid on it, but I did see it. The reason I didn't go for was because the week before I picked up an AJ-530.
I wasn't sure how they compared, looks like mine's shorter. Mine does have a lovely digital number AMS display (not on in the pic unfortunately), not sure if that's on the 500, maybe the 530 came out a couple of years later. Mine does sound very nice and clean, very balanced and tight. Not massive bass, but enough to keep things interesting.

Will get both eventually, for sure. They seem to be quite common down here.

Here's a couple of photos:
[ Image ]

[ Image ]

Rock On.

Hey Rick,

I love that Rising 20, did you get that in Aus or did you have to ship it from the US?

It's rocketing to the top of my wants (needs) list :-D :-D :-D


Member (SA)
RISING 20/20's never were domestically available in .au to my knowledge.
Mine was bought off SINISTER a while back, shipped from the u.s

They are a very, very good blaster, definitely worth the expense. Lovely sound and the looks are flawless boombox design.

Best of luck adding one to your collection, Alfie!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
i used to run the 490, and later used the 530 (with Dolby NR, metal tape) as a great tape deck - those models featured Akai's famous hi-fi superGX tape heads, which made for great sound. Only minor complaint was that the Akais weren't as loud as a similar-sized Sanyo or JVC, with the Akais a bit thin on the bass. But the Akai electronics sounded good as cassette recordings :breakdance:


Member (SA)
I'm interested in getting an Akai AJ-500FS and was just wondering if someone who has one could tell me if they has line-in ports to take external sources?
Cheers Benny


Member (SA)
i was tempted by one on ebay the 530 it went very cheaply 22 quid i think or was it the 500 which was also on there both were good condition!! this is ebay UK!!looks like one to find that 490fs!!! looks cool!!trouble is next time one pops up it'll go for loads as everyone one here will bid!!!!LOL
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