9/11 Never Forget!

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Member (SA)
Once again remembering those that lost their lives!

Those that went and fought and those that went and try to save lives at ground zero!

We will always remember!!

R.I.P. god speed!



Member (SA)
A truly sad day that should always be remembered, hearts out to all our brothers in the US.


Boomus Fidelis
Having stood on the top of the tower this felt very real for me...can’t even imagine the effect on those who were actually there on the day and during the aftermath.

I’ll never forget


Member (SA)
I remember exactly where I was when this happened. I actually watched the second plane on live TV. At that time only the first plane had hit and the news was talking about how an unfortunate event this was....then when the second plane hit on the Live coverage the announcer replied...."We are under attack! The US is under attack!"

Never Forget it.


Boomus Fidelis
I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when this s*** went down I couldn't understand what the hell was even going on because I was in the car driving listen to the radio and I got in the middle of the broadcast and was going what the f*** till I turned on the TV and couldn't believe what I was seeing.


Member (SA)
I remember exactly where I was too. I was getting ready to head to my High School and it was on tv. Couldn't believe it was real, except it was on every channel. I didn't see the planes hit but did see them collapse. I believe I missed first period, got to school and some people still didn't know or believe, while others were just devastated.

It's interesting and sad to me though that this is my Pearl Harbor... in that, while I'll never forget, my kids and younger people will actually never truly know or understand.

Maybe much how, while I understand Pearl Harbor was probably the greatest tragedy prior to this, but for me I don't understand how much it probably affected the country, or even the world. But I do with 9/11.

Coast Steve

Member (SA)
We in Canada watched all this unfold on the TV. I felt so bad for my US friends having to deal with it all.
I was getting ready for work while the TV was on in the background. I didn't think it was real.
When they closed the airways they had a call for any spare rooms since thousands of people were redirected and stranded in Vancouver.
I called up and let them know I had a room and free food for anyone until they were allowed to fly again.

The world changed that day.
Terrorists must be stopped/killed somehow or the world will not be safe.


Boomus Fidelis
I was at work spotting trailers when I found out. Was so worried it could happen anywhere and was worried about any of my loved ones!! Sad day indeed.

bklyn sound

Requiem Æternam
Hey guys I never saw this post I was one of the first responders To this catastrophe I went looking for friends and neighbors I knew some good people that passed away on the tragic day
I continue to struggle with this ..... but the horrible memories that I have.. and I pray that none of you will ever have to perform a job like I had to for months and years on that site..
It never goes away for me because a lot of my friends and coworkers that helped in the recovery had passed away due to their 911 illnesses
I am constantly being reminded of the events because there’s not a week or sometimes even a day that goes by that I don’t hear about someone else becoming very ill or passing away.
God bless everyone your friend Jimmy


Member (SA)
Hi Jimmy,yes I know of this,your my friend and I pray you will be ok for a long time and live a long life,tou’ve suffered enough and i’m sure God is looking out for you.
This upset me greatly as i watched it live that morning at work.😢😢 Your a verry strong person and Jimmy,thank you for all you have done for the fine ciity of New York City,and the great state of New York and the great nation of The United States.
I to am a first responder but nothing at the levels you had to do.
God Bless you Jimmy!😎

bklyn sound

Requiem Æternam
Ghettoboom767 said:
Hi Jimmy,yes I know of this,your my friend and I pray you will be ok for a long time and live a long life,tou’ve suffered enough and i’m sure God is looking out for you.
This upset me greatly as i watched it live that morning at work. Your a verry strong person and Jimmy,thank you for all you have done for the fine ciity of New York City,and the great state of New York and the great nation of The United States.
I to am a first responder but nothing at the levels you had to do.
God Bless you Jimmy!

bklyn sound

Requiem Æternam
bklyn sound said:
Hi Jimmy,yes I know of this,your my friend and I pray you will be ok for a long time and live a long life,tou’ve suffered enough and i’m sure God is looking out for you.
This upset me greatly as i watched it live that morning at work. Your a verry strong person and Jimmy,thank you for all you have done for the fine ciity of New York City,and the great state of New York and the great nation of The United States.
I to am a first responder but nothing at the levels you had to do.
God Bless you Jimmy!
Thank you Jeff for kind words I was just doing my job😒😒


Member (SA)
I had just left with my fiancée for our move to Phoenix. I was Local 3 working on building #3 doing fiber optics. Just before the move, they wanted me to stick around for another week but I declined as I had wedding plans and needed to move all our stuff out west. When we got to AZ, my sister in law called frantically as I heard her voice on the machine plugged into a distant room. I got up and found the tv, plugged it in and watched Dan Rather almost in tears saying Oh My God there's another plane as my wife and I watched it going into the second tower. We thought it was some kind of joke. That day was one of the most sad days aside from the passing of my parents that I have ever endured. There were new apprentices that started as I left to take over the trade. I do not know if they made it or not. We NY'ers would have just stayed where we were in the building 'cause those things are tough and this crap would never happen to us. I know of many people who went into the basement or lower levels and just remained there not knowing the buildings were going to collapse. Needless to say, our wedding was in less than a week and we were to fly back, get married and drive back with the second car. The airports were closed until the day before our wedding. Even our special day was a somber one with overcast skies and the people still silent as to what occurred. I don't think it mattered where you lived on this planet, it was a despicable loss of life that affected every God loving soul. I still think about it from time to time. Sometimes wondering why we don't drop a nuke on that side of the world and reclaim our power against these evil people. On a happy note, my wife have been married nearly 18 years and never had we had a fight. We compromise and appreciate/love one another. Having no kids makes it easier too I suppose and this leaves a little more money for my discretionary hobbies. One such that I am a member on this forum :)


Member (SA)
And here we are still trying to fight a war against these despicable people some nearly 18 years later. We shall never forget.


Boomus Fidelis
I remember this like it was yesterday...having been there so many times it felt very real for me and that’s someone who lives in the UK. I can’t know how it feels for someone who lives there or lost someone to it. I’ll never forget and thoughts go out to all affected


Member (SA)
GOD willing I shall never forget! I remember the tone of the country and how people for much time afterward were working together,dealing and coping!
It still gets to me!..(As it should!)


Member (SA)
bklyn sound said:
God bless

We are with you Jimmy and your fallen comrades!!

I will definitely never forget that day!
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