Zippy's super-mini: The Sony CFS-10

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Member (SA)
There are several of these upper end Sony mini's that are outstanding--glad you found this one--!!---Congrats!


Boomus Fidelis
The screws were the tightest and hardest to remove of any box I've taken apart! Plus there were 7 of them, for such a small box!


Boomus Fidelis
that was a sweet box least wise the front case part lol.
the radio has great quality speakers too. the pieces from this radio are like working on a swiss watch !. thin aluminum plates with rubber blocks behind them cover the speakers and you have to unbend the tabs and remove the grills then push them grills out from behind very carefully , once the grills come out the speakers are exposed . they are easy to re foam while still mounted because there's access to the front and back of the speakers. really easy once those grills are off.


Member (SA)
I'm really curious! Thank you guys so much for handling logistics and for refoaming the speakers! :clap:


Boomus Fidelis
Reli said:
Metal speaker reinforcements!

And those dustcaps look like whizzer cones?
yes they are whizzer cones but they are made of a much better material than usual.
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