You still have yours?

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Staff member
I was pre-83. More like '76 - '81 or so. Back then, I had superscope mono box and Sanyo M9994. Both are gone but not coincidentally, two of my more avid collectible models are those.

I'd be interested in the Lasonic 920 but too scared that the switches could break at any time rendering it a very pretty brick.


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I never knew what year they came out, but if it were up to me, I would've had a Lasonic TRC-920 back then 'cause it was the very first boombox I ever wanted. :yes: When it was time to get one in late '86/early '87, they were already out of production and I had to cop the then brand new TRC-931 instead. :cool: Took me about 21 years to finally get a 920, but it was damn sure worth the wait! :thumbsup:
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