this is why carboots i get there about 7.30 with my good mate nige to have a good look around....within minutes i stumble on a fully working hitachi ms w-600 with spectrum analiser.....nice enough normally but thats not the significant find.....hell no.....
now this is a shizaudio pic not mine,im hoping si northerner is going to put a pic up of mine.....its an elite electronics RR 5880 super jumbo
my first super jumbo since the j1 i had years ago.and boy oh boy is it must be almost four feet long and two feet high.sounds incredible too
it has faults,such as some of the tape deck keys are missing but you can still operate the decks so no biggie,but more sadly,it looks like there should be some red leds in the speaker housings that are totally missing?
but the rest of the led meters in the middle work.....and does the burglar alarm
i set it by mistake the other day and almost shiat myself when it went off
does anyone else have one?should it have leds in the speaker surround,and if so could i fit some?i think its an aka of the sharp hk 9000 myself.