Yet another boombox suggestion thread

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Member (SA)
Yep, looking for another boombox that I can truly enjoy.

TL;DR: Looking for vintage quality/sturdy, small boombox that's been serviced but doesn't cost a fortune and looks good.

For context I've decided that with the two boxes I currently have, my 1983 Lucky Goldstar (LG) TSR-581 is just too large & bulky for me to haul, it needs a bit of cosmetic work done and the cabinet feels like it could collapse all over with all the squeaks & creaking, not to mention the weight. Just doesn't feel like quality to me at this stage even though I know boomboxes were meant to be built heavy duty.

For my other box, a 1981 General Electric 3-5265A "Home n' Go", it certainly feels sturdier (considering it's smaller), but the right woofer is partially blown (or out of alignment) and I just can't be bothered to replace an essential original component with a chinesium replacement, and getting the driver repaired would probably cost more than the entire box is monetarily worth (to me).

The reason why I mention that these boxes just seem too large for my taste is that I'm only 5' 4", 102 lbs. Granted at age 16 (turning 17 in July) I'm still growing, but won't be for much longer. I also have small hands. I'm basically a living stickman so hauling a large box like that LG (even just by the handle) just seems like more of a nuisance or burden to me than it is to seem cool considering the bulkiness.

So for the time being I'm thinking about letting these go to somebody who has the time to get them serviced and enjoy them. I initially had plans to get working on them but school had been a burden on me, and even though it's summer now, my birthday is upcoming and I'm becoming somewhat overwhelmed with what I genuinely want (even though I made & finalized a list) and where I want to go this summer. So repair plans have become a lost cause, and I just can't bring myself to it.

For now I just want to sell or trade in those two for a smaller, pre-1983 boombox that doesn't feel like it's gonna really break, has good low-end response (for the size), but can be found for well under $500.

What I'm saying is, I just want a small, freshly serviced vintage boombox that I can get within the continental U.S. (no shipping overseas), take out of the box, stick in batteries, pump out my Bluegrass via Aux/Line-in, and enjoy as well as appreciate (taking s**tloads of pictures)

I also have a couple other boxes, a 1978 Sanyo M2402-3 and 1979 Sanyo M9909, but the basic functionality and appearance just don't interest me at all by this point, so I'm thinking about selling those too. I guess I gotta blame all that on my Zenith Trans-Oceanic with its tank-like build quality and beauty role model appearance...
In simple terms, this damn 15lb TOTL tank makes everything lower-end look like crap. I guess I'm just a grumpy snob then...

For what I seek, these few boxes certainly catch my interest:

Any other make & model suggestions?
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