WTF is this!??!?!?!

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Boomus Fidelis
That is everyones favorite jerkoff "Decentman4u" :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

The Houston Horder.
And other lovely names.
Grails go to his place and never return.......... :'-( :sadno: :sad: :sad:


Member (SA)
Did any of you actually watch the video? It is 100% OCD4U that's for sure.... what a baby....


Well-Known Member
Staff member
This box I tried to bid on ebay for and the seller had me blocked :nonono: . Sold for about $56 or so. I was pissed to be blocked for no reason.

This guy is wierd.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sorry to bump this old thread but damn I never realized how much of a boombox hoarder this guy was. :nonono: I just watched this vid with no sound on so I don't know what he was saying but just watching him walk from room to room was enough for me. This is a sickness - I have lost a lot of bids to this guy who just stacks them to the point where they can't be used or seen :no: . Shame really.

Watch if you want: ... ture=email


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That's a fairly recent video, Blu. I hadn't seen that one. It's sad that the black Sansui CP7 is still in its box shoved up under a shelf not getting any love. :thumbsdown:

And for those who think we're being mean when we refer to him as a hoarder, just check out the following picture (from 9:46 mark in the video) that exhibits classic hoarding symptoms. Seriously... WTF!?!



Member (SA)
Should be one crazy stacker between all nice boombox collectors. This guy sucks. He is not a collector. He is some storage depot worker . Feelin bad about all boxes there :'-( . Been watching a few of his videos :nonono: .

Retro Addict

Member (SA)
I feel sorry for James. It really is an obsession gone way too far, and he just didn't know where or when to 'draw the line'. He'll have so many model numbers and countless worries churning up his head, I'm not surprised he refers to most of the radios as "that thing" and "those there". Lord only knows what it must be for him right now, out of a job, strugging to pay bills etc, possibly a mortgage also, and living in that boombox filled apartment. Where does he sleep? In his many videos, there is nowhere in his apartment that isn't packed with radios, his bed is probably underneath some radios. I bet he's completely sick of the sight of boomboxes and completely full of regret and self disgust. That incredibly large collection of boomboxes has taken years and years to create. It's a lifestyle that he's become accustomed to and has got used to for such a long time. Now he has to sell his radios to live. And if he was to lose his apartment, where would he and all his stuff go? What a nightmare situation. Sickening. I feel really bad for him, I really do.


Staff member
Fatdog said:
That's a fairly recent video, Blu. I hadn't seen that one. It's sad that the black Sansui CP7 is still in its box shoved up under a shelf not getting any love. :thumbsdown:

And for those who think we're being mean when we refer to him as a hoarder, just check out the following picture (from 9:46 mark in the video) that exhibits classic hoarding symptoms. Seriously... WTF!?!

[ Image ]

As pissed as I was, (and appreciated the support from my brothers here) because I KNEW a fully working one was uber rare, with the box AND the papers extremely more so, knowing it's future, I can't help but feel sorry for him.

He once sniped two boxes from me, both Marantz compoonents. A PH-32 and a black double cassette version of the same. In both instances he couldn't pay. The bidding was HIGH! And in one he contacted me, apologized, admitted he messed up and asked for my help. I offered for him to contact the buyer and explain that he had a willing buyer to bali him out but noooooooooo....

He turns around and sayss HA HA!!! I'll figure out a way to pay and told me he wished he hadn't sold me the very same Sansui CP-99W I have today.

Regardless, this guy has a problem. All I can do is pray for him. I believe losing his job is really the least of his issues. :-/


Boomus Fidelis
Retro Addict said:
Now he has to sell his radios to live.

He posted some boxes on youtube with prices and he was asking full blown top of the scale prices. Based on how he paid top dollar for so many boxes I can only imagine how many tens of thousands of dollars he has tied up in all of them.


Member (SA)
Here's the email I received after I asked him about a 951 (thought there might be one lurking in there somewhere):
Nope no Lasonic 951 or any other ridicously huge boombox have i ever sought to purchase except for the Conion c-100f, TC-999 - just to see what the hoopla was about for those and the GF-777's, jvc-m90's, toshiba wx-1's fisher ph-490 480's and large Like sized box's ..

The one's I would like keep are - like my Victor rc-550 - yes there is a difference, M-70 & a RV-NB1 Kaboom. Sanyo M7770K, Sony DD9, wm-10, wd6c, Panasonic RX-A2, rx-5080 RX-c300, Lasonic LPC-85 and I thinks that's it or all that I wish to keep - ALL the rest are for sale - Preferably ASAP!

Call James - 713 - 460 - **** @ Home of course
paypal accepted or personal check or money order - no trades...
Poor James, looks like it's getting close to firesale time...


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