I feel sorry for James. It really is an obsession gone way too far, and he just didn't know where or when to 'draw the line'. He'll have so many model numbers and countless worries churning up his head, I'm not surprised he refers to most of the radios as "that thing" and "those there". Lord only knows what it must be for him right now, out of a job, strugging to pay bills etc, possibly a mortgage also, and living in that boombox filled apartment. Where does he sleep? In his many videos, there is nowhere in his apartment that isn't packed with radios, his bed is probably underneath some radios. I bet he's completely sick of the sight of boomboxes and completely full of regret and self disgust. That incredibly large collection of boomboxes has taken years and years to create. It's a lifestyle that he's become accustomed to and has got used to for such a long time. Now he has to sell his radios to live. And if he was to lose his apartment, where would he and all his stuff go? What a nightmare situation. Sickening. I feel really bad for him, I really do.