Well today Spud 71 "Joel" Blu_Fuz "Joe and I all got together at Joe's house in Fox Lake Wisconsin for a mini meeting today.
We all had an awesome time and Joe was a super gracious host and cooked Brats and Hamburgers on the BBQ for us and had lots of great stuff for us to eat and snack on all day.
Spud brought a whole carload of JVC's with him for us to play with.
I had my Chevy Malibu loaded to the gills with boomboxes as well.
Between the three of us I would guestimate there was about 35 boxes at the meet,some Joe had hidden on his porch.
It was a lot of fun and I had a great time visiting and messing around with everyone's boxes.
I really loved the look on Joe and Joel's face when I whipped out my Altec Lansing IMT800 and showed it off,I know they were very very surprised at the sound.
They both joked about how it would make everything else sound like crap compared to it,LOL!
We even had a little battle against Spud's JVC PC550 and my Panasonic RX-C300.
I think I won,but Spud won't admit it, LOL!!!!! j/k
A BIG thanks to Joe and your wife for putting this on.....
Thanks you for bringing some of your awesome collection as well Joel.
Well here's a few pics of the action,enjoy.......
Joe checking out my Panny RX-C300.
Joe checking out Joel's PC100 mini,I think he's impressed.....LOL!
Joe in Awe of the M90.......
Joe showing off his modded Pioneer SK550,it sounds really nice and looks cool in blue.
Joel's M70....
Joe showing us his Lasonic TRC920.
Some living room shots of all the boxes.
We all had an awesome time and Joe was a super gracious host and cooked Brats and Hamburgers on the BBQ for us and had lots of great stuff for us to eat and snack on all day.
Spud brought a whole carload of JVC's with him for us to play with.
I had my Chevy Malibu loaded to the gills with boomboxes as well.
Between the three of us I would guestimate there was about 35 boxes at the meet,some Joe had hidden on his porch.
It was a lot of fun and I had a great time visiting and messing around with everyone's boxes.
I really loved the look on Joe and Joel's face when I whipped out my Altec Lansing IMT800 and showed it off,I know they were very very surprised at the sound.
They both joked about how it would make everything else sound like crap compared to it,LOL!
We even had a little battle against Spud's JVC PC550 and my Panasonic RX-C300.
I think I won,but Spud won't admit it, LOL!!!!! j/k
A BIG thanks to Joe and your wife for putting this on.....
Thanks you for bringing some of your awesome collection as well Joel.
Well here's a few pics of the action,enjoy.......
Joe checking out my Panny RX-C300.
Joe checking out Joel's PC100 mini,I think he's impressed.....LOL!
Joe in Awe of the M90.......
Joe showing off his modded Pioneer SK550,it sounds really nice and looks cool in blue.
Joel's M70....
Joe showing us his Lasonic TRC920.
Some living room shots of all the boxes.