WikiBoombox update

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Staff member
Well, Reli and I have been very hard at work and to my count, we now have about 561 pages total. There is still lots of work left to be done. As it is always a work in progress, it would never be "completed" as there is always something that could be added. However, it could be a year or more before we have significant content.

There are a couple of other members that are interested in helping out, but I think they are in the learning stages and maybe just now feeling the water with their toes before jumping in. We still need all the help we can get. If you don't want to get involved directly, then please just PM me (or reli) with images of some models we don't currently have. Especially the non-USA models.

In the meantime, here are some recommended random pages of the week for you guys to enjoy!



Sencor S-5000

Wilco CRS-1049

Aiwa TPR-950

Sanyo M-X824


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I feel horrible that I was ready to dive in and get some content on the site, but I'm so busy at home. I'm rarely even on the computer when I'm not at work and now is our busy season so I have no spare time to contribute.

Good job guys, it's looking great.


Staff member
Joe, I know you will do what you can, when you can. Me, Reli, and Caution (working on learning the syntax) knows that what we are doing is important, to preserve and document what we know for the long haul, for the good of all.

As for time, there is a learning curve but once you've mastered that hurdle, the truth is that a simiple wiki page takes not much longer than making a post here. Not the real detailed pages of course, but the simple ones. The pages that include only one (or a few) images takes only a couple minutes.

In the meantime, any photos of models you will allow us to use, please PM them to me or Reli or Caution and we will try to use them somehow. Even if there is no description, we (or you) can always go back in later and add.


Member (SA)
Norm, I have scanned an Operation Manual in pdf format of a Fisher 420K, should I send it over?


Staff member
oldskool69 said:
I REEEEEEAAALALLLLYYYY need to get it in gear! I'm kinda like you Joe...BUSY! :lol: :lol:
Hey Freddie, I'm still waiting for you to make that Blu_Fuz 5350 repair thread into a sticky or something like that (you indicated you would in the thread but that was of course over a year ago, :lol: ).

BTW, wanted to thank member Caution for putting together the C100 wiki including his own reverse engineered point-point wiring diagram. Up til now, it had been a blank page. :w00t:


Staff member
hemiguy2006 said:
What does one have to do to get registered on the site?
Frank, just go to the site and click register. Enter your information, enter BoomboxLover as the passcode, and wait for validation email (or I will validate manually when I see a username I recognize. That's it. Will give you a few more prividledges than an anonymous user including submitting articles (can you submit an article on the BB40 resto, or allow me to post up your old pics?).

To create and edit the wiki pages, you'll need to be added to the contributor group. You can't self join that group but I can add you if you are interested. Just be aware that it will take some effort on your part to learn the syntax, It's not really that hard but if you don't have some time to learn it, then you'll just get frustrated. Or wait for Reli's consolidated "cheat sheet". I understand he's working on something like basic instructions.

Oh, and the server has a lag when it checks the new registration against it's DB for duplicate registrations. DON'T press register twice or you'll get a message that says username already taken. But if you do, don't worry, it just means your first attempt already took and it's relaying that your username has been taken (by you).


Staff member
Well, by golly, if Joe can figure it out, it's official, anybody can do it, lol.

BTW, Joe, is that emerald version ID's by a special model suffix or is there no way to separate that from the regular silver version besides looking at it?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It has no suffix, it is the exact same model number. I have a picture of the label I need to add to the link.

And yes, if I can figure it out (8 attempts today!!!!!) then maybe some of you can too hahahaha.


Staff member
blu_fuz said:
And yes, if I can figure it out (8 attempts today!!!!!) then maybe some of you can too hahahaha.
We all went through that first time around. But I'll bet the next page will go 10,000 times faster, right? Since you sorta now know the process now and won't panic and presumably, won't make the same mistakes? haha.


Well-Known Member
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Goes way faster after you figure out the quirks of the website.

I took a lot of pictures on Saturday morning of my collection. Lots to do! I already made 3 pages.


Member (SA)
Looking good Joe! Man that's a pretty box.

Yeah, it's all about time, which there's never enough of. I know I'm feelin' it right now. It's a long-term effort for sure, hell we're trying to collect and organize everything we know about boomboxes, let's be honest that will take a while to be done right :-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks Caution. I need to change my format and I really want some good info in the pages I make too if I know it. You guys are all doing a great job, and yes this will take a long time!
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