Who's The Big Ben Expert Here? (Differences In Grills)

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Member (SA)
Hi-I've been looking at a Sanyo M-X960 I think it's called and it has the same shape & size of a Big Ben but has a cover that says Superwoofer.
There is also one that says Big Ben-what's the difference? I had heard that the US model is called the Big Ben and the European version has a cover that is says Super woofer.
I'm really wondering what's up here?
I know about the 'K' version that's the 4 band which is what I was looking at but says Superwoofer on the cover,this is what I'm going to get.
I'd appreciate any info on this.
Tell me all the variatrions-I want to know more as I may be getting one within a couple of weeks!! :-O :yes:
Have a good week-GB. :-) :yes: :surf: :breakdance:


Staff member
US versions are super woofered variety. Japanese ones are Big Ben. Not sure about the european ones.

blah blah

Member (SA)
SD is correct the Japanese is Big Ben for sure, and I believe both U.S. and European are Superwoofered. (not positive about european v. though) I have the Japanese and it is 2 band, MR-X20. Best 25 watts ever...I can barely believe that's all. I guarantee with any Big Ben you will be very, very happy :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Fantastic sounding unit....


Member (SA)
Hi Norm & Blah Blah & Ira & everyone-Thanks for the info-I thought is was something like that but internally they're the same except for the 'K' model whic is the 4 band?
I'm looking forward to getting my first Big Ben! I have another "Project Grail" coming first! May should be a good month!
Looks like a great boombox to have an extra stash area!! :-P
Have a great week-GB. :-) :yes: :surf: :thumbsup: :cool:
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