Who here can program android applications.

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Staff member
Remember that boombox PC project that came out a few years back? Well, with the plethora of cheap android based tablet deivces now available, I think the prospects of making such a mod to a boombox without the high threshold mega modification mastery skills previously necessary is possible. And because size is much smaller on these newer all self contained computing devices, the possibilities are much more vast.

So question: Is anyone here capable of creating a virtual boombox app so one of these touch enabled devices can be installed into a boombox, maybe replacing the cassette deck? I'm thinking the application would have these cool features:

(1) a likeness of a cool reel type cassette tape in motion during playback of stored music.
(2) If the device has audio inputs, that it also be capable of of recording music as well -- onto either the installed memory or optional thumb drives.
(3) Be able to play any number of common media formats including Mp3, Mp4, AVI, DVIX, FLV, wav, etc.
(4) Display the music video if that is what is playing.
(5) Clock
(6) Spectrum analyzer display.

Anything more would be gravy on top but not necessary. The KISS philosphy applies here since we want it to be easy and not overly complicated.

Anyone? I really want to try this but lack the programming skills necessary to do this.


Member (SA)
This is actually something I've been interested in developing for a while now. I'm pretty swamped this summer with a student developer Google job, but I plan on putting some work in on it. I'll obviously post anything I come up with. :cool:


Boomus Fidelis
Are you talking about modding the tape deck so that an android phone can be stuck into it?


Staff member
No. I'm talking about ripping out a knackered tape mechanism and turning it into a solid state tape device. With the amount of compressed material that can be saved onto computers and ability to record using software -- we can get rid of the mechanism itself and stuff in it's place, a small computer.

Someone did this around 5 years ago. But back then, the computers were lower resolution, needed clunkier interfaces, OS now obsolete, slower processors, power inefficient, require extended boot times, etc.

With today's devices being virtually instant on, thrifty on power, super high resolution and great touch screen interface, the retrofit is now a much simpler mod than it was back in 2006.

This is what I'm talking about.


Lasonic TRC-920

I to have thought about this. I have an HTC G1 that nearly fits in the tape deck slot. Minor modifications would make it fit.

But ultimately I bought a tiny blue tooth reviewer and just plug it in. All the control remains in the palm of your hand and not on a screen on the radio. It's like having a remote control in your hand, but all the content is in the remote.

I've been using this for about 2 months and I like it.

I'm currently using a Verizon Thunderbolt phone. Works great

I also can use it with every radio I have.


Boomus Fidelis
The Hitachi looks badass. Of course, a phone/tablet velcro'd to your boombox would accomplish the same thing. :lol:


Staff member
Reli said:
..............Of course, a phone/tablet velcro'd to your boombox would accomplish the same thing. :lol:

That would be sooooooooo UN-Superduper. :nonono: ...................... :hmmm: :hmmm: :hmmm:
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