I guess it depends on how white you want them to be. The woofers in the Lasonic i931 appear to be what I would call "white white" - basically a pure white. The woofers that came in boxes like the Sharp GF-9494X and Rising SRC-2015, are more of a "light white" - which has just a tiny amount creme coloring.
If you want the effect of the latter, here is some information on what I use:
Krylon Fusion Satin
2422 Satin Dover White
It's not a white white. It has just enough pigment in it to give a really, really light creme color.
Krylon Satin Dover White has several different paint codes - the code you want is 2422.
Just remember...
You only want a very, very light coat of paint.
Also, the cap for Testors decal bonder spray is the perfect diameter to cover the chrome caps on the Rising.