White speakers white again

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Member (SA)
I know it's been previously discussed on here but i can't find a topic.
I am working on a project box right now and i need to know what spray product is being used to make white speakers white again.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I guess it depends on how white you want them to be. The woofers in the Lasonic i931 appear to be what I would call "white white" - basically a pure white. The woofers that came in boxes like the Sharp GF-9494X and Rising SRC-2015, are more of a "light white" - which has just a tiny amount creme coloring.

If you want the effect of the latter, here is some information on what I use:

Krylon Fusion Satin
2422 Satin Dover White

It's not a white white. It has just enough pigment in it to give a really, really light creme color.

Krylon Satin Dover White has several different paint codes - the code you want is 2422.


Just remember...

You only want a very, very light coat of paint. :yes: :yes: :yes:

Also, the cap for Testors decal bonder spray is the perfect diameter to cover the chrome caps on the Rising.



Member (SA)
So a light coat of regular old spray paint?
Hope that will cover some staining.
The speakers I want to paint are creme looking but they are very badly
discolored (Smoke tar).
I would like to get them a nice bright Lasonicish white :lol:
Caps are are white too so no need to cover them.
I will post the newest basketca.. er ehm i mean project im working on soon.
I was on the job till 3:00 am last night & me very tired but its looking more like a boombox today!!!!


Member (SA)
Never did it, but bleach on a paper towel should clean and lightly wipe it from coil to edge should do it.

Use at your own discretion!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I had initially tried the bleach method a couple of years ago after reading somebody's post at S2G. It worked well for me. However, a few months afterward, the stains started to become visible again. :-/


Member (SA)
I'm going to get this paint later this week and paint my 9494 woofers!

Frank,does it work good for the Sharp 9494 woofers?

I'm restoring mine and I have a few brown stains! :sick:
I mean the woofers! :lol:
Love to get these original white again. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
I have some I'd like to paint too, but unfortunately the surrounds are black, and I think it would be hard to accurately tape them off :-/


Boomus Fidelis
Reli said:
I have some I'd like to paint too, but unfortunately the surrounds are black, and I think it would be hard to accurately tape them off :-/

you can buy kilz white primer in a quart can and brush it on , this stuff dries flat and does not build up too thick ,covers great and is the whitest of white. when painting speakers the best thing to do is apply thin coats letting each coat dry before the next is applied .
this way you don't get brush marks but use a decent brush preferably those small round ones they sell at home depot for arts and crafts.


Boomus Fidelis
JVC Floyd said:
Reli said:
I have some I'd like to paint too, but unfortunately the surrounds are black, and I think it would be hard to accurately tape them off :-/

you can buy kilz white primer in a quart can and brush it on , this stuff dries flat and does not build up too thick ,covers great and is the whitest of white. when painting speakers the best thing to do is apply thin coats letting each coat dry before the next is applied .
this way you don't get brush marks but use a decent brush preferably those small round ones they sell at home depot for arts and crafts.

Hmm, I might have to try that......but I think I would prefer spray form.......I think that would be "lighter"........I figure all I need is a quick dust........What kind of white is that Kilz stuff, a pure white or off-white?


Boomus Fidelis
Reli said:
Hmm, I might have to try that......but I think I would prefer spray form.......I think that would be "lighter"........I figure all I need is a quick dust........What kind of white is that Kilz stuff, a pure white or off-white?
bright white , you can use the spray but make sure it's latex paint not oil based . i think it's 10x easier just to brush it on in circular strokes with light coats , never ever had any problems with the speakers and it's hard to even tell anything was done to them , it takes time and patients but that's about it . i can't stand it when people spray the whole damn speaker and don't even tape around shlt that just looks crap :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
In my custom Unisef SZ-5000, I use a gouache mixed with water and used a sponge to work with the paint on the cone.
If make this in a sunny day, the results are SOOOO good.

In this pic, can see the "White gouache" difference between the cone, and the edges of them "in Original White" :yes:


Easy to apply, fast dry and no need much work to protect the parts as no need to be paint. ;-)

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