Which one?

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Member (SA)
Just had these 2 out for a little showdown, was wondering which one looked best??and decided on the Hitachi. The Crown sounds better though, but not by a mile. Which one do you guys think is the best looker?20160324_091027.jpg


Member (SA)
split for me bro.....wheras i like the cromeiness of the crown i love the oversized stance of the hitachi,after having both these in the past i think id find most room for the hitachi,out of the two,despite it being the underdog of the pair :-) two great boxes though bro :yes:


Member (SA)
Looks like the Crown is the most liked here :yes: I think I'm kidding myself by saying I like the look of the Hitachi better :lol: it must be the deck door sticker that sets it off a bit more lol. Thanks for your input guys, much appreciated :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
Are those fake screws on the Hitachi? It looks like the designer wanted to be conservative, and then decided oops, it looks TOO conservative, well let's just add these fake screws to make it look better.

Maybe this model was meant for the older, mature customer who did not want flashy trim. The brown boxes like this were meant for mature, quiet types, lol


Member (SA)
Those two tone Hitachis are nice handsome boxes. I've always had a soft spot for these.


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Member (SA)
No comparison...for me the Crown is in a completely different league...plus i hate black plastic knobs :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
gsbadbmr said:
No comparison...for me the Crown is in a completely different league...plus i hate black plastic knobs :lol:
:w00t: If knobs were chrome or solid Al that box will look so ugly!
Lucky you!
Hitachi made 8600RM for you!


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Boomus Fidelis
I haven't owned either of those boxes, but I have no doubt the Hitachi has the better build quality. Hitachi was top quality in the late 70's and early 80's, until they became rubbish in the mid-80's.

Crown was only "average" quality IMHO. They are kinda empty inside.


Member (SA)
Im a chrome junkie, so for looks...my opinion would be the Crown. ;-) I've never heard either radio in person though. Sometimes hearing them sways me to think different.


Member (SA)
Thanks for all the input here guys, nice to hear all the different opinions :yes: Reli yes the Hitachi screws are fake, but so are the Crowns :-D the Crown actually sounds nicer at lower volumes but the Hitachi has more power imo. Nice 8600 Rory, wish I still had mine :yes: and that Perdisco is a stunner :-)


Member (SA)
BoomboxLover48 said:
:w00t: If knobs were chrome or solid Al that box will look so ugly!
Lucky you!
Hitachi made 8600RM for you!
I actually don't have any Hitachi's in my collection...they just aren't my thing :lol:


Member (SA)
I like them both. I have one of the Hitachi models and I think it looks it's best, with it's non-standard proportions and colour scheme, when placed alongside silver & chrome boxes. That being said, the Crown is a very handsome chap indeed and would steal the show set amongst it's rivals.


Boomus Fidelis
:lol: it must be the deck door sticker that sets it off a bit more lol. :yes:

Well here is Crown with deck decal 😀


Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Thanks for all your opinions guys and gals☺ where did you get the deck decal Bill? Did you purchase it or did it come with the box? I want one☺
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