which one i should buy ?

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Member (SA)
hi to all.

i have vw bus and i dont really have money for real thing like expensive car audio hi- fi things.
so i would buy one STRONG, QUALITY and powerfull boombox.

in my country, i can't choose alot. i haw few models on market.
so i need opinion what should buy. i need boombox for my bus, to play inside and outside. sometimes LOUD sometimes quiat ... deppend of situation hehe.

so i can buy this boomboxes from theese links:
http://www.njuskalo.hr/linije-radio-kas ... as-3079173
http://www.njuskalo.hr/linije-radio-kas ... as-1269363

and theese:
http://www.njuskalo.hr/linije-radio-kas ... as-1269340
http://www.njuskalo.hr/linije-radio-kas ... as-2316999

and this one is cheapest of all.
http://www.njuskalo.hr/linije-radio-kas ... as-3023564

okay, so say what you think of this, which one should i buy ???
many many thanks and sorry about my bad english



Member (SA)
Wlecome to the board Chbr2a!

All those boxes you posted are pretty lightweight in the powerhouse department, you'll probably find they're all decent at a low to medium volume but will get very screechy at a high volume.

Be patient and keep an eye out and you'll find something for what you want soon enough.

Please feel free to post anything you find on here before you buy it, just like you've already done, and we'll be only too happy to point you in the right direction.

And your English is fantastic! Much better than most of our Croatian, I'm sure!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
I dont see any special models there. Usually, the silver (The early 80s) boomboxes are better quality than the black. (The 1990s).

Add this to your list to consider:

Try not to box yourself in with a low price. If you cant afford a good model, save up for a while first. "Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten" applies itself very well with boomboxes.

Oh, and make sure the model you pick has a line in (aux) so you can connect other audio (cd, ipod etc)


Member (SA)
I decide that my boombox will be silver with single cassete deck. Maybe with two antennas because this is so cool. One guy tells me over phone that he have at home Sanyo M741E. I google for it but find nothing.
After i would make some modification on my box like new battery ....
Is just one boombox enoght for al music in my vw bus ?


Member (SA)
I find my Pany 990 does a sweet job in my bus !!!



Member (SA)
What is your opinion about secound box in my previous post ?

I have plan to use rechargable accu battery from motorbike in my boombox.
Can i do that because boombox want 15V for work.
Battery have only 12v.
Is how possible to use ordinary battery in boombox because battery at the market are too expensive for this machine.
Tnx. alot for answers.


Member (SA)
Yea take this 9150. It have nice tidy sound. And can get pretty loud as well. The price is perfect too :yes: .
And welcome dude.


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Get the big Hitachi!!
It'll kick out the jams like a melonfarmer!

Rock On.

I agree, the Hitachi is the box to buy.

It will jam like a melodramatic melonfarmer!

:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:


Member (SA)
Dobrodosao na forum chbr2a :yes: :hi:

Taj Hitachi je najbolje nesto sto mozes nabaviti za sada preko njuskala.
Ako ti se ne zuri, sacekaj malo, bice i drugih boljih prilika i radio-kazetofona za kupovinu.
U medjuvremenu, razgledaj dobro ovaj nas forum i prati nas, tako ces saznati mnogo cega u vezi sa boombox-ima i odluciti sta je najbolje za nabaviti.

Welcome chbr2a :hi:

By me, the Hitachi boombox is the best what you can get for now over the sniffer/njuskalo.
If you do not hurry, wait a bit, it will be better opportunities for purchase a really good one.
In the meantime, take a look and search on this forum for boomboxes, and follow us, you will learn many things about the boomboxes and then you will easy decide what is the best to purchase.

P.S. Please, do not use any other type of batteries than the one which is actually marked on the back of the box or inside the battery compartment. That is not healthy for the box, for sure.


Member (SA)
This is great forum ! I really really like it !
I am going tomorow to buy my very first (but not last) boombox !
I have plan to modificate it to run on motorbike battery which is 12v.
Hitachi is 15v. Can i do that ?
Does someone have link or some good advice ?

The guy that have this hitachi, tells me that he will sold me: hitachi, sanyo which run cassetes but when switch to FM- then wount work (radio) and third one Sharp.
Three of them for 50euro.
I think that i will buy it all.


Member (SA)
chbr2a said:
This is great forum ! I really really like it !
I am going tomorow to buy my very first (but not last) boombox !
I have plan to modificate it to run on motorbike battery which is 12v.
Hitachi is 15v. Can i do that ?
Does someone have link or some good advice ?

The guy that have this hitachi, tells me that he will sold me: hitachi, sanyo which run cassetes but when switch to FM- then wount work (radio) and third one Sharp.
Three of them for 50euro.
I think that i will buy it all.


Member (SA)
Try to to find the proper D cell batteries and use those as much as you can; best not to try to modify the box to take a different kind!! If you're going to use the box in a vehicle; make sure the box has a separate DC IN jack if you want to use an external power source. You should be able to find a cigarette lighter plug-to-barrel connector plug (make sure it fits your box and that it is rated for the full 12 volts!) easily enough; it SHOULD work on 12 volts but probably not to it's full potential.

Oh yeah, go with the Hitachi! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Hey and HOWDY!

I don't know. But I love my JVC. You're probably safe with one. But listen to everyone else. They know more than me. M70 is King for me.

:yes: :yes: :yes:

agc said:
Try to to find the proper D cell batteries and use those as much as you can; best not to try to modify the box to take a different kind!! If you're going to use the box in a vehicle; make sure the box has a separate DC IN jack if you want to use an external power source. You should be able to find a cigarette lighter plug-to-barrel connector plug (make sure it fits your box and that it is rated for the full 12 volts!) easily enough; it SHOULD work on 12 volts but probably not to it's full potential.

Oh yeah, go with the Hitachi! :thumbsup:
I have to agree with agc on this one. Also, there are transformers that can change the 12V coming out of your cigarrette lighter thingy to 110V like this one! [ebay]150622636383[/ebay]


Member (SA)
crazy party at my backyard today :-P :-P :w00t: :w00t: :lol: :lol: :-D :-D








bought them three for around 40 euros.

hitachi works great. at more volume, sound isnt so good but with less bas and treble is OKAY.
cassetes work but right "pulley" don't work so you can play music for minute or two :p so cassetes don't work.

sharp is great but have nonorginal left speaker and sound isn't smting special. .. and playing cassetes il little slower.

sanyo is BRUTAL !! :) i relly like it. sounds cool and deep ... but tuner isn't work ?? cassetes work ok. better than any other but tuner don't work.
when i switch it on tuner ... does someone have idea where is problem ??

so guys, i am now officiali in boomboxery world from now
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