Which of your radios look great next to which?

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Old school Scott

Member (SA)
Fellow enthusiasts, I haven't bought a decent radio in a while now.
To keep my eye in tune to the beauty of craftsmanship of the classic radio, I often rearrange my boxes from shelf to shelf
So that my boxes don't disappear to me.
Because just like the human nose that can only take in a certain odor for a finite period of time before it becomes impervious to it, My eyes can only see my Boxes in that certain order before they disappear.
As I move them around I find boxes that are totally different but look great next to each other.
If you have some examples or even know what I'm talking about, lets see some pics .

Cheers OSS :afro:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
OSS, that Philips Elephant has to be one of the Top Five boombox designs EVER! :thumbsup:

Lopez, where did you get that mono Discolite?? :huh: I don't guess I've ever seen another picture of it.

Master Z

Member (SA)
One of my fave combos would be a Sharp GF-575 stacked on a GF-9000. :thumbsup:
Now if only I could find a 9000.

Master Z

Member (SA)
OH! I forgot another of my favorite combos, the Panasonic RX-5XXX line with the Lavander trim!
I had a RX-5050 and a 5085, they looked good together, but so would other models like the 5350, RX-C100, etc.... :cool:




Another pairing that I would like to see is a Mag Elephant and a JVC 838 side by side.
Probably the toughest pair out there, period. :sin:
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