I feel you Sean91, it's tough collecting in the UK.
The few nice boxes that come up on ebay.uk always reach way above my top bids, and I rarely find anything of any worth in the wild. I gotta be honest MasterBlaster, in the US you guys generally have a better quality of boxes showing up in the wild and in neighboring cities/states in classifieds etc - I'm not saying it is easy for ya, but there are more blingy Lasonics, Helix's, Sharps etc in circulation than here . . . I know y'all will tell me it ain't so!
I've done a lot of searching this year and found very little other than very very poor quality featureless boxes.
BUT, that's the fun of collecting isn't it, never knowing what might turn up, always hoping the the bloke down the road might be selling an M90 for a fiver at his garage sale . .
I've looked on ebay.de a few times and the German guys seem to have some nice boxes in circulation, maybe the UK folk should hire a bus and go on a boombox hunt across europe!
Sean91, keep searching dude