whats upp guys

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Member (SA)
imma pretty new on here,,actually ive been on for a couple of weeks tryyin to cop my first box but ive never introduced my self. im inly 15 so i wasnt around in the boombox heyday but i am apsoultly in love with blasters.anyways i was just sayyin whats upp and for future reference if i put an offer out and its poposterious im nit tryying to afend anyone i just took a wild quess.

peacee :sin:


Member (SA)
why don't you make a wanted post specifying your price range and see what offers you get?


Member (SA)
mr.getitdone said:
thanks mann i found a mag 8443 on tha bay but theres still a whole day left
Grats on finding this site.

Remember, Part of the fun is to find them in 'the wild' so also look in your local flea markets and garage/estate sales.

Also, not all boomboxes are created equal, so be careful about loading up on them. We generally avoid the 'eggies', which are the newer 90s models that lack quality, lack aux inputs or outputs,
and generally break after a bit of use. :lol:
Eggies also tend to 'smash apart' when run up against a real box from the early 80s.

The 8443 is a decent box, but if the tape player is not working, the inputs wont work, so you wont be able to hook up your ipod/computer to it. Something to consider.


Staff member
Well, hopefully us "old farts" can help you out. And welcome aboard!!! :-D

When buying your first box, I suggest getting with mom or dad and find out if they had one in their yourth and see what it meant to them...could go a long way towards funding. ;-)
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