funny how the models of ipod in those shirt designs are so ancient now they are almost ready to be called vintage.
i have no negative feelings towards any kind of mp3 player. i mean they are all shite and never are gonna last more than a couple years. its a disposable device you spend a bunch of money on. it lets you carry around thousands of songs and or other data.
pretty much all of the bands i am into these days release music on vinyl and well the fact is the master is mixed differently for a vinyl record than what it is mixed for on a mp3.
the larger amounts of storage available on portable mp3 players is increasing so fast and it will allow for devices to soon be able to hold extremely high resolution files of music.
the thing is most speaker and headphone technology for these devices in general is so bad its laughable. while there is some hi end stuff out there for mp3 playback its still not as nice sounding as a good record or a hi density compact disc.
still tho for a palm sized device that i can chuck a bunch of songs on and just listen to while taking a walk its fine.
if i want to listen to music on a good system i have plenty of those here at home.
I used to hate mastering for mp3 distribution no matter how much you tried at the end of the day it was always a matter of having something that had digital aliasing issues.
mastering for vinyl presents its own challenges but you know its a lot more forgiving than mastering for itunes distro.
people can hate on the ipod i get it,however i think what a lot of people might not get is the ipod has saved more than a few blasters from the trash.
I mean if there was no ipod or mp3 players how many people would have just taken those old dusty big radios to the dump. this happens a hell of a lot as it is but ,at some level one must see the connection between the mp3 player and the resurgence in interest in boomboxes.
while there might only be a very small amount of people into this hobby i am certain more than a few people here got their interest in the boombox resparked by the flash of thought, hey i could plug my ipod into that old ghettoblaster in the garage or attic.
I love cassettes i still have hundreds of the things ,but i need to accept they are gonna wear out. heck there is a huge rush on right now to transfer thousands if not hundreds of thousands of recordings over from reel to reel tape before they are gone forever.
I mean once upon a time your music system was maybe the third of fourth most expensive thing you owned. behind your house ,car and tv.
the ipod is a pretty cheap device that stores massive ammounts of information. when you compare it to the media players of times gone by it fits the times.
i mean the 70s saw many owning huge houses with tons of space, big stereos and big big collections of records eight tracks casettes ect ect.
the eighties saw down sizing boomboxes became very popular. people increasingly lived in town homes or condos, in the case of japan and asia closet sized apartments.
as we are increasingly told to expect less and downsize more and more a pocket sized music system fits the times we are in now.
while i might have a certain degree of disdain for it i also have a certain degree of wonder regarding it as well.
i seem to remember seeing this same topic posted before i kind of thought the negativity expressed towards a really really a bit strange to me.
first off i dont think many of these t-shirts were sold or even put into production for that matter. i mean i seem to remember this being from a design site or prototype site.
the dude who made the tshirt didnt crush the boombox . it keeps shinning on as a icon of urban culture. same as the people who hate on the ipod or mp3s.
mp3s are the am radio of the modern music world. what i mean by that is back in the day we old folks would gather around a thing called a am radio and listen to the top forty and decide what music to buy or further explore.
now many will cruze around the internets

searching for new music and downloading mp3s to explore a band further
people who really really love music usually will own at least one device for listening to music in true hi fidelity.
whatever hi fidelity means is up to the listener.
I have been very fortunate to release vinyl records that someone else paid to produce, i mean they thought the music was important enough to archive it properly.
i have recorded music on two inch tape and on the highest end purpose built daw workstations possible. at the end of the day a perfect recording on a perfect playback device will not make a crappy song better and a fabulous song being played back on a decent resolution mp3 player is going to still be a fabulous song.
face the facts people dont have the same kind of dough they did back in the day. theres fewer and fewer people who could afford a high end sound system. in fact in this day and age the only real option for many is a ipod. fortunately for us everyone does not want a vintage ghetto blaster otherwise they would be harder to find than they have become. after six years in this hobby now i can see my collecting days are over maintaining the collection i have amassed is now my focus. i mean theres fewer and fewer second hand boxes out there everyday.
so yeah i dont hate on the ipod i mean its there its not leaving and it did change everything.
mp3s are a non concrete product that a artist can produce and sell eliminating the entire chain of people once involved in doing a independent release.
theres good and bad in whole deal.
that shirt is just too lame to really call anything but crap. its bad art and pretty non creative. other than that its just someone expressing a opinion .
i am glad people still express there opinions regardless of weather or not people care .
in the end anything that keeps people listening to and promotes the production of music is a good thing.