For me??
Pretty easy answer for me............
You all know I found one, been showing her off enough the last month or so

These machines are amazing - I remember 1982 for many reasons & this is one of them!
Way out of my affordability bracket then & wanted to own one so badly - Just one guy I knew had one & it was king without question! We all had a boombox then, it's not until you look back on your life that you realise that these things were mandatory I remember all us lads meeting up at an 'older lady's' residence on a less than desirable area

Funny how when you have a stereo from your distant past, the memories flood back, I remember it all like yesterday - wish I could go back just for a week!
I never ever expected to find one in 2016 that wasn't knackered so it made my year getting this one

& the bass?? Just extraordinary for something that doesn't look like it could pump like it does!! I like how you can turn the bass way up & it just delivers

What was your 2016 find??