What should I know about the Sanyo M9994(K)?

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Member (SA)
Yeah, title basically. I'm thinking about getting one this upcoming Christmas. It's got great sound, really decent bass response, 5,000mW (5W)/Ch into 2.3 Ohms (I'm upgrading from consumer GE and Sanyo 1-2W 8 Ohm mediocre Beach radios), rotatable cone tweeters, and it's a popular model so you'll see a bunch up for sale.

But the thing is, no boombox is perfect. So what more should I know about these beefy boxes? (What should I expect to pay, are there any flaws, etc.)


Member (SA)
Okay so going through some of these threads, I am hearing about the FM tuner being problematic (Drifty, and Weak) with these Sanyo Ghettoblasters. While I should be able to do minor repairs like replacing capacitors, Transistors, DeOxit cleaning, Resistors, etc. Tweaking FM and doing alignments is a bit above to what I can do, since I don't have the oscillating test equipment and all that stuff. Just hardware. While I know that Sanyo tuners aren't their strength, I have a Sanyo M9909 and it's decent enough (especially for the tuner) to be a keeper. I may pass on this make & model and look for something else.


Boomus Fidelis
Sanyo FM circuitry sometimes goes bad, causing station drift and loss of stereo. Ask the seller to confirm that it can stay locked onto a station for more than just a few minutes (and if the stereo light stays on).
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Member (SA)
Sanyo FM circuitry sometimes goes bad, causing station drift and loss of stereo. Ask the seller to confirm that it can stay locked onto a station for more than just a few minutes (and if the stereo light stays on).
Roger that.


Member (SA)
So I'm trying to decide if I should go for the Sanyo M9994K, or the Panasonic RX-5250...both are great boxes, and they suit my aesthetics taste. But which one provides deeper bass? Which one will be easier to maintain in the long term? I really like the power meters stuck onto the M9994, but the Panasonic can be found for cheaper.


Member (SA)
You have a lot of questions which are mostly impossible or at least very difficult to answer.
The unit's life and utilisation affects all manner of things making it pretty much impossible to tell you which is "better", "more bass" etc.

I certainly can appreciate that you are undertaking your due diligence before spending, but imagine you do that, get a load of opinions, and then are unhappy with it.

Sometimes you just have to take the plunge and find out. Then maybe at a later date, try the other one in your minds eye. This bears more fruit in the long run and allows you to tailor your own searches to your own requirements, which having read the 3 or 4 threads on it, are quite some undertaking.
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Boomus Fidelis
The Sanyo sounds better, IMO
Plus, boxes like the 5250 with square grills don't look good unless you're looking straight at them so you can see what's behind the grills.
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Member (SA)
Alright so I'm going to go with the M9994K, since it's got that truly premium Hi-Fi Home Stereo feel to it, and it sounds superb.

Since I intend on getting one this Christmas, what would be a reasonable price range to pay for one of these beauties? I don't see many up on eBay, and currently they range from at least $500 on up to +$1K. Absolutely outrageous!
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