What kind of _______ would YOU get...

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I'm talkin' 'bout rechargeable batteries!
If you had a boombox that ate 10 D's (15V)

I'd like it to be as light as possible and to last a while at least a 90 tape... on both sides! :thumbsup:
What do you guys recommend me getting in the States?
Where do I go?


Member (SA)
and sorry for cutting in :blush:

but can you also answer for the uk crowd as well ;-)

as i would also like to know the same question :breakdance:


Member (SA)
and sorry for cutting in :blush:

but can you also answer for the uk crowd as well ;-)

as i would also like to know the same question :breakdance:

Add us Aussie to the question too.

Although I have heard you have to be careful with rechargeable D Cells.

from here: http://www.amazon.com/Rechargeable-Cell ... B00164CWPA

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars

These are misleading, December 23, 2008
Bill Kearney "wkearney99" (Bethesda, MD USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Rechargeable D Cell NiMH Batteries - D Cell 2500mAh 2 Pack

These are nothing more than AA batteries stuffed inside a D-cell case. A regular D-cell battery has over 10,000mAh capacity. Devices use D-cells because of this, not the size. If you use these measly 2500mAh cells in your stuff you'll have to recharge them a LOT MORE OFTEN, wearing them out in the process. Do not be mislead by the size of the cell, it's the capacity that's important.
@BENDYCAT: Not at all my friend! It's very important info that I know at least someone has to know the answer of here!

@Terry: Good info on that, I was thinkin' about getting real rechargeable D's but I don't have any idea about the numbers I should be lookin' at...

Lasonic TRC-920

I have been using Energizer rechargeable batteries in my radios for a few years now. They work fine, but they do have some draw backs.

First and foremost, they take about 18 hours to charge 4. Not that big of a deal as I just throw them on the charger every time I'm done using them.

Next, the price, they are about $11 for 2. I have bought them over time, first I got 4 for my flashlight, then another 4 to use in my Lasonic TRC-920 that uses 8 D cells, then I bought another 2 for my 777 which uses 10.

The ones I have are 2500 mah. They last about 4-5 hours if your really twisting the volume knob, longer if your just easy listening.

I plan on making the BIG rechargeable purchase for 10,000 mah batteries and a digital charger. The 10,000 mah batteries are $10 EACH! $100,,,,,plus the digital charger which is around $60. I have been told those should last 10-12 hours plus!

If it's true, that would be awesome. Plus the digital charger can diagnose your batteries and charge them allot faster.

I have never had any Boombox injuries to report so I don't think there is anything to worry about when using them.
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I have been using Energizer rechargeable batteries in my radios for a few years now. They work fine, but they do have some draw backs.

First and foremost, they take about 18 hours to charge 4. Not that big of a deal as I just throw them on the charger every time I'm done using them.

Next, the price, they are about $11 for 2. I have bought them over time, first I got 4 for my flashlight, then another 4 to use in my Lasonic TRC-920 that uses 8 D cells, then I bought another 2 for my 777 which uses 10.

The ones I have are 2500 mah. They last about 4-5 hours if your really twisting the volume knob, longer if your just easy listening.

I plan on making the BIG rechargeable purchase for 10,000 mah batteries and a digital charger. The 10,000 mah batteries are $10 EACH! $100,,,,,plus the digital charger which is around $60. I have been told those should last 10-12 hours plus!

If it's true, that would be awesome. Plus the digital charger can diagnose your batteries and charge them allot faster.

I have never had any Boombox injuries to report so I don't think there is anything to worry about when using them.

Thanks so much for the info Chris, that's awesome. Damn $10 a pop is a major "Ouch" but hey 10-12 hours!!! And what brand are those 10,000mah batteries? Where can I get some online or at a store?

Lasonic TRC-920

Strānj-Bōōmbŏks said:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I have been using Energizer rechargeable batteries in my radios for a few years now. They work fine, but they do have some draw backs.

First and foremost, they take about 18 hours to charge 4. Not that big of a deal as I just throw them on the charger every time I'm done using them.

Next, the price, they are about $11 for 2. I have bought them over time, first I got 4 for my flashlight, then another 4 to use in my Lasonic TRC-920 that uses 8 D cells, then I bought another 2 for my 777 which uses 10.

The ones I have are 2500 mah. They last about 4-5 hours if your really twisting the volume knob, longer if your just easy listening.

I plan on making the BIG rechargeable purchase for 10,000 mah batteries and a digital charger. The 10,000 mah batteries are $10 EACH! $100,,,,,plus the digital charger which is around $60. I have been told those should last 10-12 hours plus!

If it's true, that would be awesome. Plus the digital charger can diagnose your batteries and charge them allot faster.

I have never had any Boombox injuries to report so I don't think there is anything to worry about when using them.

Thanks so much for the info Chris, that's awesome. Damn $10 a pop is a major "Ouch" but hey 10-12 hours!!! And what brand are those 10,000mah batteries? Where can I get some online or at a store?

I had found them online, many companies make them, but I have no experience with any of them. If you search "10,000mah batteries D cell's" you should find something.

EXAMPLE: http://www.zbattery.com/NiMH-D-Cell-10000mAh-1-2V-Battery
These guys have them for $8.25 each, but I don't know the brand or if they are any good.

The Energizer's I have are good for 1,000 charges. I still use regular batteries, for BIG days out, but these work fine on an every day basis for a few hours at a time (the 2500 mah that I have)
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