This was the issue prompting my original post.I've had a Lasonic LPC-990 with unsatisfactory highs for some time.There is only one shop in town that will even touch an old boomer.They are OK for deck work,general check overs,cleaning,etc. but not so much for anything more involved such as mods.
I took the 990 into the shop to see what was the problem.He told me that the tweeters were working OK.Having previously heard a very basic description of the affect of caps on tweeters,I told him to change the caps to see if he could brighten up the sound for me.After he had done this,he told me that he could hear a difference.A family member in the area picked up the box from the shop.When i was finally able to test it out,it sounded pretty much as it did when I had dropped it off for service.
Then I decided on a plan "B".A long time friend has recently learned to solder as he has gotten into repair of old video game consoles.I took the box to him last night to see what he could do.We opened the speakers to see what had been done at the shop.We saw rather large caps soldered in with a value of "8". The tweeters were barely dripping out sound.He then found some "4.7" rated caps to replace these replacements.There was a big difference! The music was no longer compressed sounding.It was like a veil was removed and the output brightened up considerably.This box now sounds pretty amazing.It always had good bass but it was really needing a lively top end.Now,I can imagine this sounds as the factory intended.
This made we wonder what were the ratings on the original factory caps.Calling the shop,I was told the originals had been thrown out.He was able to tell me that he used a set with about double the originals ratings.Perhaps he just doesn't understand sound that well.As proven by my experimentation,he had modified the caps by going the wrong direction!
I'm really just learning all of this.It would seem that a cap with a lower value lets a wider spectrum of frequencies get to the tweeters.I decided to open my beater MacDonald Instruments box which has to be one of the brightest and loudest boxes on the planet! Its tweeters are rated at 4 ohm (as are my 990s) but the cap value is even lower at "3.3".This "in your face" sound is what I so miss in some classic era boxes.It works really great for rock!From what I've been able to figure,that old sound was the result of more power,equalization favoring the mids,and caps of lower ratings.
Now I have another question.If caps go bad,will the tweeters output decrease severely or would it simply stop altogether?I'm thinking I went to the shop with around "4.7"s factory issues that went bad,was given very restrictive "8"s which mimicked damaged "4.7"s,and I by chance ended up putting back a correct,or nearly so,value of "4.7".I'd appreciate a comment from anyone patient enough to read all of this...