what is average production count of the bbx model

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Boomus Fidelis
char said:
on the `70;`80;`90th etc.moddels :hmmm:

i mean all versions off the specific model
There are so many different models that there was no average. Take for instance M70 was popular seller so there were more produced than say M90 which was a more expensive box that most people could just not afford ;-)


Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
char said:
on the `70;`80;`90th etc.moddels :hmmm:

i mean all versions off the specific model
There are so many different models that there was no average. Take for instance M70 was popular seller so there were more produced than say M90 which was a more expensive box that most people could just not afford ;-)

Hey, you stole my line.

Just kidding.

Sometimes I wonder what parts of the states/world sold more than others. I NEVER see or have seen a single M70 in the wild. My dad was the only person I saw who had one. Funny thing is that when I posted my M70 in FB, about four of my FB friends commented they had one back in the day. I think Detroit was booming back then. I'll bet there are a lot more around that area in the wild. Maybe Cali. Maybe I need to move to Cali. Anyone want to hire me in Cali? My husband can find a job; he's a software developer/engineer/code monkey. Sorry. Got distracted for a moment.

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


Member (SA)
I remember back in the early 80's when I was about 12 the shopping mall boom started and there were several large electronic stores where you could play with M70's, M90's, GE's, Panny's, etc. There were so many to choose from. Kids in my neighborhood carried there boxes the way kids carry ipods today...everybody had one. The park in my neighborhood was the spot for many boombox battles and you would see small, medium, and large boxes going at it!! The most popular box to have was the M70 but it was very expensive, but it could be found at all the electronic stores and that exposure, along with its great performance, had a lot to do with it's popularity...and those pretty blue speaker gave it a unique look compared to all the other silver boomboxes.
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