What does Conion "Technisonic" mean?

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Boomus Fidelis
There are at least 2-3 Conions labeled "Technisonic". Anyone know the purpose of that extra name?


Member (SA)
By the United States Patent and Trademark Office, in 1988 there is a transfer of the patent for "Infrared-ray Sensitive Alarm Device Built Into Electronic Equipment" (burglar alarm) from "Coney Onkyo Company. Ltd." (Conion) to "M/s Technisonic Inc" with the address "1336 W. 12th St.Los Angeles, CA Ca. 90015"


So It seems that for some reason the "M/s Technisonic Inc" company has overtake some or all rights for selling and distributing of the electronic product of Conion for USA region. Therefore there is a two name of the same boombox like "Tehnisonic by Conion TC-999" and "Conion C-135" on the market. I suppose that the Conion C-135 was on the market before 1988 and the Tehnisonic by Conion TC-999 was after 1988.
This is interesting topic and I think it should be investigated further more.


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Ohh rockin work, Toni!!

Rock On.
Thanks Rick, I'm just doing a little investigation before, prior to posting this question from Reli.
I'm interested in solving such cases.
There is another one for investigating, I don't known anything about the Marantz and Superscope by Marantz :-)
It would be nice also if anyone know something about this to share. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
So Conion sold its burglar alarm technology to Technisonic?

But 1988, really? Wow, I always assumed those models were sold in like 1983-84-85.

And how come there isn't a Technisonic C126? Same box as the TC999 but without the super-tweeters.


Member (SA)
I'm not sure by anything Reli, I just found a connection between Conion and Technisonic.
Perhaps they agreed to cooperate years before selling the patent for burglar alarm, who knows.
That's why i'm saying that it should be investigated further more. :cool:


Member (SA)
The older Marantz products have the label also made by Superscope,then I believe in the 1980's they were just called Marantz.I has a couple of tape players from the 70's and were labeled this way.
Just Marantz after that,but I'm not sure why the Superscope title vanished after that,maybe it was an older manufacturer name?


Boomus Fidelis
From what I read Marantz started in early 50's then was sold to Superscope in 60's then Superscope sold to Philips in 80's!!!

Bad Boy Bill
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