What do you think of this packaging job?

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Boomus Fidelis
LOL..........I open it up and what do I see..... :hmmm: WTF?


It was fit so tight it took forever to get it out......It wouldn't slide out.......

Had to cut the entire box off :lol:

This was the result.....


He shrink-wrapped the radio, and then basically glued the blocks onto that.

Pretty innovative I guess......:hmmm:

It certainly accomplished the task.......THIS time.....

Must have taken him forever, though :huh:



Staff member
OK...so what was inside, and what is the result?!?!? :-D

Aside from that, that packing "job" is pure weaksauce. :thumbsdown:


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
did your box arrive with no damage ?
Yeah, it definitely worked........Snug, couldn't shift around at ALL.....

Still cant figure out what kind of glue or tape he used......Those blocks were on there for good. :-O

Not sure if it's a realistic approach for most people though. Either he had a lot of time on his hands and wanted to ensure he received good feedback, or he's done it many times before and knows how to do it quickly.


Member (SA)
Ive seen worse.
But I will also say you were pretty fortunate it didn't arrive damaged.
Ok so enough about the crappy packing Job , lets see the goods!!!!!!


Member (SA)
neko said:
I usualy get box wraped with papers. So this one looks really good :w00t:

No doubt! If I wanted newspaper, I'd buy one. Seems like every other one comes wrapped in paper. :nonono:


Member (SA)
Reli said:
redbenjoe said:
did your box arrive with no damage ?
Yeah, it definitely worked........Snug, couldn't shift around at ALL.....

Still cant figure out what kind of glue or tape he used......Those blocks were on there for good. :-O

Not sure if it's a realistic approach for most people though. Either he had a lot of time on his hands and wanted to ensure he received good feedback, or he's done it many times before and knows how to do it quickly.

I work for the P.O. and I don't find that to be a great packaging attempt. There are to many vulnerabilities. Most parcels are processed on mechanized equipment and bounce around a bit during the processing. A good measure on how to pack an item is: will the item survive a drop from 4 feet without damage. I see some pretty weak attempts. Best way I've seen is a seller used the 2 inch insulation board used for construction and then taped it like it was it's own seperate box. He inserted it into a slightly larger box and it was snug and perfect.

shane higgins

Member (SA)
yea looks good but
but remember the m90
a **** wit on a fork lift (truck) drove striaght through the packing and into the boombox
if it worth it fly over and pick it up your self i say

sorry i swore don't normally swear out load


Boomus Fidelis
I guess if it worked then another bbx was saved from destruction. I only will add that they should have put peanuts to fill the gaps :hmmm: so we are all on suspense about which boomer was saved :thumbsup:


Staff member
Styleking said:
Reli said:
redbenjoe said:
did your box arrive with no damage ?
Yeah, it definitely worked........Snug, couldn't shift around at ALL.....

Still cant figure out what kind of glue or tape he used......Those blocks were on there for good. :-O

Not sure if it's a realistic approach for most people though. Either he had a lot of time on his hands and wanted to ensure he received good feedback, or he's done it many times before and knows how to do it quickly.

I work for the P.O. and I don't find that to be a great packaging attempt. There are to many vulnerabilities. Most parcels are processed on mechanized equipment and bounce around a bit during the processing. A good measure on how to pack an item is: will the item survive a drop from 4 feet without damage. I see some pretty weak attempts. Best way I've seen is a seller used the 2 inch insulation board used for construction and then taped it like it was it's own seperate box. He inserted it into a slightly larger box and it was snug and perfect.

I have sent and received hundreds of boomboxes and thousands of stuff through the mail. I have seen good packing and I have seen bad packing. What this guy here did might look weird but it's good packing. Even factory packing is similar by using semi-firm styrofoam at strategically placed locations and theirs is usually as good as they come. While it seems like it would be better if styrofaom was placed soilidly throughout the boombox, such is not always the case. A boombox is not a perfect rectangle and there are recesses and protrusions. Also, unless we are talking super heavy boomboxes such as the Sony FH's, using strategically placed styrofoam blocks allows the proper amount of "crush and springiness" during drops and the voids will protect the boombox if a focused punch was received near the void area so as not to transfer the shock. If construction styrofoam panels were used for a light boombox, the styrofoam would not have the proper "give". Anyhow, as far as packing goes, I would love to receive boomboxes in this way. The ones that arrives with newspaper balls.............. :annoyed: :thumbsdown: :no: :'-( :sad: :grim: :-O

Anyhow, as they say, the proof is in the pudding and this guy arrived safe and sound. That is all that matters and I would have little reservations about receiving a boombox like that.


Boomus Fidelis
baddboybill said:
I guess if it worked then another bbx was saved from destruction. I only will add that they should have put peanuts to fill the gaps :hmmm: so we are all on suspense about which boomer was saved :thumbsup:
Yeah, initially I thought he should have filled the gaps with peanuts, but then I decided it wouldn't have added any extra protection. That box was already super-snug.......It would not move no matter how hard you shook it. I really don't know how he planned it out so precisely, with the exact size of styrofoam necessary to fit so snug.

Anyway this is what was inside.......Sony CFS-F5S, shown here with my old-school iPod.....

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