What do you think is going to happen to your collection?

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Member (SA)
[SIZE=medium]My daughter recently asked me “ what are you going to do with your boomboxes when you’re really old and about to die. My answer was…“hopefully I can give some to you and your cousins or sell them all before I die so that someone else can enjoy them. Out of nowhere she said “NO!!!...I will tell you which ones you can sell or give away”. I was in shock… :blink: In my mind… I was like…what the hell!? :huh: ...So it got me thinking… What is really going to happen to my collection when I kick the bucket? I really want to leave some to my daughter, hopefully grandkids, nephews or nieces…. that’s my goal for now. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]So my question to you is…What do you think is going to happen to your collection right before or after you go belly up?[/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good question.

My plan is to always have a few, forever, to pass down or be buried with.

If I died much too soon, I think my wife might find Skippy's number in my phone and have him help figure out how to get rid of them.


Member (SA)
Yes very good question Manny :hmmm:

If I do not sell most or all of my collection to you guys before I kick the bucket, Im hoping that my son or daughters will care enough about them to hold on to one or a few of them as a reminder of dear old Dad :-D Im sure my wife would have a hard time selling them as they would be reminders of me.

OR maybe ill buy a third burial plot next to my wife and I, and take em with me! :w00t:


Boomus Fidelis
you got my permission to rummage my collection and take them all ,at least i know they will be cared for after i croak.


Member (SA)
Super glue the volume controls on 10 and then
pass them out to my roomies at the old age home?


Boomus Fidelis
blu_fuz said:
Good question.

My plan is to always have a few, forever, to pass down or be buried with.

If I died much too soon, I think my wife might find Skippy's number in my phone and have him help figure out how to get rid of them.
LMAO!!!! Dude thats hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
Most likely I'd sell most of my collectable stuff when I'd turn 60-65. Otherwise it would end up either in garbage of sold for pennies.

Lasonic TRC-920

riker1068 said:
Sell them for crack
Which kind? :lol:

JVC Floyd said:
you got my permission to rummage my collection and take them all ,at least i know they will be cared for after i croak.
Damn , you said AFTER you croak....I was booking a plane ticket :thumbsdown:

SLO said:
Yes very good question Manny :hmmm:

If I do not sell most or all of my collection to you guys before I kick the bucket, Im hoping that my son or daughters will care enough about them to hold on to one or a few of them as a reminder of dear old Dad :-D Im sure my wife would have a hard time selling them as they would be reminders of me.

OR maybe ill buy a third burial plot next to my wife and I, and take em with me! :w00t:
I guess it all depending if your wife's new boyfriend likes boomboxes, which he probably will

My wife told me she will put them up for sale and has recently started deep frying all my meals :hmmm: :-/
I told her to contact "The Good Members" here on Boomboxery :cool: to get accurate pricing and then they are going on eBay :'-(, that's if I haven't finished my boombox lined coffin! :rock: :cool:


Staff member
Mine will go to heaven with me. It's going to be an awesome party with endless power to celebrate with all my friends and loved ones who've gone before me. :-D :-D :-D :afro:

And since everything is perfect in heaven, all the decks work! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
Since I always try and keep my collection to a dozen, I'm sure each of my family members will take one as a way of remembering me.. :cool:
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