Here's a pic of a boombox I was sent from a dude who responded to a Craigslist ad.
He says its an Elite brand box and thats about it. It's in real rough shape but it fully works.
Any AKA's worth mentioning? I think kinda looks like a bolt box, is it?
Should I pick it up for a 10 spot???
I might just clean and flip, cause I dont have the space for another.
What do you think, is it worth the trouble?
He says its an Elite brand box and thats about it. It's in real rough shape but it fully works.
Any AKA's worth mentioning? I think kinda looks like a bolt box, is it?
Should I pick it up for a 10 spot???
I might just clean and flip, cause I dont have the space for another.
What do you think, is it worth the trouble?