what boombox has the best build quality

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Member (SA)
As far as 1 piece boomboxes go there are several that come to mind. For large size boomboxes the JVC M90, Panasonic 5350, and Sanyo M-X960 and M-X920. For medium sized boomers the JVC M70, Sanyo M9994, Panasonic RX 5500. There are really too many to list but these are all excellent choices and be prepared to pay top dollar for any of thee quality boomboxes.


Member (SA)
AH yes! The 7700!! I had one in my possession and let it go for some stupid reason! Wish I could get another one. All of the Panasonics are great in build quality...even the cheaper,low line ones are solid performers and do what they designed to do...play music and last forever


Boomus Fidelis
Superduper said:
Sharp GF 515/555/666/866 and similars
Really? :hmmm: I will have to check those out.....In photographs they've always looked clunky and basic to me.


Staff member
Reli said:
Superduper said:
Sharp GF 515/555/666/866 and similars
Really? :hmmm: I will have to check those out.....In photographs they've always looked clunky and basic to me.

The question was build quality. So the first time you lift one up, you'll notice it's hefty weight. When you disassemble, you are going to find extensive use of metal and solid construction. These lineups are built like tanks when materials were cheaper. Pound for pound, these have got to be one of the heaviest models for their size.


Staff member
Matrixambience said:
AH yes! The 7700!! I had one in my possession and let it go for some stupid reason! Wish I could get another one. All of the Panasonics are great in build quality...even the cheaper,low line ones are solid performers and do what they designed to do...play music and last forever

Ah, Matrix..... Yes, you probably forgot but you sold it to ME a couple years ago. And the stupid reason was because the tech you brought it to returned it to you because they couldn't fix the dead FM due to obsolete parts. Just in case you are wondering, I did eventually fix it by recapping the tuner and replacing the RF amplifier.


Member (SA)
stereomann said:
wanted to know what boombox is built to last which one is the heaviest
The Kaboom is built to last.


The TDK is the heaviest.


I hate these stupid questions.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
Sharp GF 515/555/666/866 and similars

Toughest box on the block, the 555 series and it's variants will destroy any other box in a head to head physical contest. They are heavy, they are loud and they are mean looking, they are the All Blacks of the boombox world.

see the pictures for comparisons




Member (SA)
Superduper said:
Sharp GF 515/555/666/866 and similars
One more vote for them. I was amazed when ive opened my (ex, now Zippy's) 515 :yes: . So high build quality :w00t: . And the one and only ever professional boombox is from this series :yes:


Member (SA)
Ok....I remember now. If I would have known there are super talented people like you to fix it...I would have sent it to you to fix! LOL! So how is it now?


Staff member
Matrixambience said:
Ok....I remember now. If I would have known there are super talented people like you to fix it...I would have sent it to you to fix! LOL! So how is it now?

It is in loving hands, and looks exactly like when you sent it off to me, except it's 100% working now. As for fixing it for you, I took a risk buying it so it's not really a job I would normally accept. Your tech said that the parts necessary to repair it were obsolete. Turns out he identified the wrong amps. In fact, there are 2 IC's that not only are obsolete, but not available from any source, anywhere. I presumed either or both of those obsolete IC's were what your tech was referring to. Luckily, it was neither but a more commonly available FET amp. Recapping and replacing the amp, followed up with an alignment fixed the tuner 100%. But if either or both of those two IC's had failed, that boombox would've become a parts unit.


Member (SA)
Ok. I am happy to hear it is still pumping out sound and you got it working. Those radios are top notch in sound and build quality for sure!


Member (SA)
If you want build quality, most of the early Japanese brands were built like tanks especially in the late 70's, even the low end models.......The Chinese made stuff was and still is a whole 'nother story. Refer to the melting Lasonic threads............
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