Really?Superduper said:Sharp GF 515/555/666/866 and similars
Reli said:Really?Superduper said:Sharp GF 515/555/666/866 and similarsI will have to check those out.....In photographs they've always looked clunky and basic to me.
Matrixambience said:AH yes! The 7700!! I had one in my possession and let it go for some stupid reason! Wish I could get another one. All of the Panasonics are great in build quality...even the cheaper,low line ones are solid performers and do what they designed to music and last forever
The Kaboom is built to last.stereomann said:wanted to know what boombox is built to last which one is the heaviest
Superduper said:Sharp GF 515/555/666/866 and similars
One more vote for them. I was amazed when ive opened my (ex, now Zippy's) 515Superduper said:Sharp GF 515/555/666/866 and similars
Matrixambience said:Ok....I remember now. If I would have known there are super talented people like you to fix it...I would have sent it to you to fix! LOL! So how is it now?