What a 'repair' *sigh*

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Member (SA)

Quote from listing: "There is one slight issue, the right speaker was not working, however it was a wiring fault. This has been rectified by channeling the left channel to the right speaker. Sounds perfect but sound is mono as apposed to stereo. I cant tell the differance on this unit."

So that's the wiring fault 'repaired' then?

A:) It's not 'mono' it's now half channel stereo - there's a big difference.
B:) Surely the impedance change will damage the amp long (or short) term.
C:) There remains a fundamental fault with the unit, possibly the amplifier, could be dry joint or function switch etc.....
D:) Some poor soul might be taken in by this triumph of electronic repair mastery.
E:) Just another day on the 'bay :sadno: :-P


Member (SA)
:agree: Everything you said was wrong with this, is absolutely right! :yes:

This reminds me of speakers I've seen offered, where someone had "repaired" the rotten woofer surrounds with duct tape or even electrician's tape, instead of a proper foam surround. :nonono: Some people are really ignorant about audio gear, and those people shouldn't be allowed near it at repair time!

Hopefully whoever buys this thing will know how to sort it out properly, or else will get it into the hands of someone who does.


Member (SA)
It's just a shame that the buyer may not realise what he's paid good money for, even if it sounds superficially 'ok' which it may (or may not) there still remains the issue that it's FAULTY and the real problem is unaddressed. :nonono:

To be honest, I did this same 'trick' when I was about 12 years old when I blew one channel of my Fidelity record player, just ran wires from the good side to the inoperative one. Luckily my uncle came to the rescue a few weeks later by doing a proper repair and replacing the output IC for that channel :-D

Oh well, at least the seller is open and honest about the 'fix' and not hiding it. :-/


Staff member
Fatdog said:
And the seller is asking £60 for that?! :-O

Don't forget Bobby -- it's been FIXED! :w00t:

But seriously, this scenario is sooo common it's sad, really. I have seen this far too many times.
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