Waiting for the postman!

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Boomus Fidelis
I've wanted this box since I started but it only seems to come up in the States and I'm in the UK. Well I finally gave in when I found a good deal on one and its on its way! Three days since I bought it and it's already at Ebays global shipping place! Can't wait!!!


Member (SA)
JustCruisin said:
This title reminds me of a song... :hmmm:
"Please Mr Postman, look and see, Is there a letter, a letter for me? Please . . . . .


I'd actually like to know the time frame of this shipment from States to there. Regular mail from Canada is usually 8 bloody weeks or so . :thumbsdown:


Boomus Fidelis
duckman said:
"Please Mr Postman, look and see, Is there a letter, a letter for me? Please . . . . .


I'd actually like to know the time frame of this shipment from States to there. Regular mail from Canada is usually 8 bloody weeks or so . :thumbsdown:
Well so far it's been 3 days from Ohio to the ebay place. I'll let you know how long it takes


Member (SA)
Northerner said:
Well so far it's been 3 days from Ohio to the ebay place. I'll let you know how long it takes
Thanks. Last item I sent to UK took 11 days and over 7000 kms just to get on a boat ! :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
Your not supposed to post until it arrives lol, you know the anticipation kills everyone :lol: hope it arrives safe and sound mate, killer looking blingy box :-)
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