I have basically finished my restoration of my VZ2000 - Ive used 2 to make 1.
Seems the LPs are playing a tad too fast on Side A, and A tad too slow on Side B, Particulary near the end of the side.
My parts box is a VZ2000X and my Finished job is a VZ2000Z - Is there any difference between the makes? I know the X Model part box has MW/SW/ Radio and Din Imports for Auxilary, but thats the only difference I can see between the 2.
The reason I ask is I am using the Record Player mechanics of my Parts box (VZ2000X) with the main board from the VZ2000Z and was wondering if this could be causing the issue? Or is there a way to alter the speed?
Parts Box:
Restore Box
Seems the LPs are playing a tad too fast on Side A, and A tad too slow on Side B, Particulary near the end of the side.
My parts box is a VZ2000X and my Finished job is a VZ2000Z - Is there any difference between the makes? I know the X Model part box has MW/SW/ Radio and Din Imports for Auxilary, but thats the only difference I can see between the 2.
The reason I ask is I am using the Record Player mechanics of my Parts box (VZ2000X) with the main board from the VZ2000Z and was wondering if this could be causing the issue? Or is there a way to alter the speed?
Parts Box:
Restore Box