Finaly fully working and good looking
repainted grills, fixed door slow down opening and open door sensor. Also tape mechanism fixed and changed belts.
Cleaned completly and added new sticer
WOOHOO! Im so happy i have one finaly, and so cheap 44$
Heres with break beats vinyl
definitly beater, many scratches everywhere, missing tape button and red part. But fully working
seller wrote that its dead, but it had only bust beteries inside. and volume slider had little problems with connecting 15$
Shot at 2012-06-18
and after cleaning
Shot at 2012-06-18
repainted grills, fixed door slow down opening and open door sensor. Also tape mechanism fixed and changed belts.
Cleaned completly and added new sticer
WOOHOO! Im so happy i have one finaly, and so cheap 44$
Heres with break beats vinyl
definitly beater, many scratches everywhere, missing tape button and red part. But fully working
seller wrote that its dead, but it had only bust beteries inside. and volume slider had little problems with connecting 15$
Shot at 2012-06-18
and after cleaning
Shot at 2012-06-18