Using my picture on eBay sale

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Staff member
I will be sending a Vero complaint to eBay. Not only did they copy all the pictures from our site but they also took the description word for word as well. Pretty stupid since he stole not only the images of the gold conion but also a silver one. So apparently he doesn't even know the difference and thinks they are images of one single boombox not knowing those are 2 different models.

As for wikiboombox, I had wanted and suggested all images posted there to be watermarked with a wikiboombox image. You will note that some are, and many are not. Essentially, if I uploaded the image, I watermarked it since I felt that it would discourage exactly this sort of thing. At least if it had the watermark, perhaps whoever was viewing the image would know that the image was taken from a different website and not be fooled into thinking that it was an image of the exact thing they were purchasing.


Member (SA)
Yeah my first thought was.....HEY! That's a Gold Conion and he might not know what he's got. I might snag it on the cheap. Then I got to looking at it and was like..........................HEY! That's my Gold Conion


Staff member
Well, who knows what he's got for sale. I mean he might even actually have a C100 for sale and simply thought he would "borrow" an image from the internet and pass it off as his own. Except now that he's got images of 2 distinct models, who knows exactly what he's actually selling. Is it a gold one, or a silver one, or maybe he doesn't even have one? Hard to say since his entire description was copied word for word from Wikiboombox as well, and I can assure you that I'm not selling one.


Member (SA)
I had a guy use one of my pictures to auction his box. By the the time eBay got round to dealing with it the auction was almost over. The seller kind of said 'deal with it'. If the pictures aren't marked then there's not much you can do.


Boomus Fidelis
Yep we've all had morons using our pics to sell boomers people are either lazy or their boombox that they are selling is in bad shape and they want a clean picture


Member (SA)
He at least seemed as though he cared and apologized so I can't go too hard on him. At this point I really don't feel he intended to break any rules of copyright through wikiboombox. It's more for looking out for the ones bidding on this thing based on the current pictures. They aren't getting what's pictured. The last 3 or 4 pictures are of his box but not the main pictures.

He agreed to mention in the description about where the pictures came from. As long as his bidders understand that a few pictures aren't of his box and are not the item they are getting I believe this softens the blow.

Lasonic TRC-920

In my opinion any ebay auction that uses pictures other than of the item listed is fraudulent.

Would you buy a car from a dealer if he showed you one of the showroom floor and then pulled one from the back lot after the deal was done?


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
In my opinion any ebay auction that uses pictures other than of the item listed is fraudulent.

Would you buy a car from a dealer if he showed you one of the showroom floor and then pulled one from the back lot after the deal was done?
This is exactly how i feel about it.


Member (SA)
T-STER said:
This is exactly how i feel about it.

Lasonic TRC-920, on 5th Dec 2016 - 12:40 PM, said:

In my opinion any ebay auction that uses pictures other than of the item listed is fraudulent.
Would you buy a car from a dealer if he showed you one of the showroom floor and then pulled one from the back lot after the deal was done?
I agree. That's why if he actually notes in his description that those are not pictures of his box then at least the bidders have a heads up. It will hurt his sale but people should be seeing the box they're buying. Not one in great shape and currently being enjoyed by their owner.


Member (SA)
Poor fella. I'm not mad at him. I think he's just a little confused. He did add a note on his description (as promised) but it now says:

"I want to apologize to the other member selling the limited version which is gold with the alarm button in black. Hope this clarify this matter."

Which prompted the question "How do I buy the gold one?"

To be clear, I am NOT selling this box! I am ENJOYING this box until my body deteriorates to the point where I'm wetting my pants and seeing people who aren't there.

While I'll never say never, times would have to be so bad life has no meaning before I let it go.


Staff member
So does that mean he now has wikiboombox photos of the gold, silver versions, and also additional photos of his own?


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
So does that mean he now has wikiboombox photos of the gold, silver versions, and also additional photos of his own?
Correct. He's selling mine, "caution's" and

But that's just going by the photos


Member (SA)
I reported him to Ebay. I also asked him which one he was selling and he replied "the silver one, the gold one is for comparison only" ????? He didn't mention that all the pics of the silver one weren't his? SHADY!!!


Member (SA)
The eBay listing has been updated due to eBay taking his other post down. Not sure why he would want to use our pictures anyway. His box looks just fine from the new photos he's put up. I wish him luck. At this time the price is up to over 500


Member (SA)
Now he's trying to minimize and legitimize what he did. Shameless.
"[SIZE=small]The item was take down by E bay because according to them and our friends from wiki website, the ad was violating some copyrights and hurt some feelings. I want to clarify that those pics and description is general and was used for comparison of what is on the market. Notes are made to be read so people can make their own opinions. In the first ad was a note that SPECIFIED what I am repeating here."[/SIZE]
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